5. Ending

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Ending : Final part of something.

Have you heard the saying, 'In the end it will be okay and if it's not okay, then it isn't the end'?

Well I believe it.

When you go through a break up, we tend to believe that the end is when the other person tells us that it is over, but the end is when you can finally move on.

The end isn't when he or she says "we are done." The end is when you are able to say it.

The end is when he is able to call you, not to tell you that he still loves you, but simply to just say hi, and ask you if you want to be friends - and you are able to say yes, without feeling hurt or crushed about it.

The end is when you are able to say that it is over.

The end is when you are able to look at him again, and smile because he was once yours and not cry because he is no longer yours.

The end is when you are able to say "I'm okay" and mean it.

The end isn't when he says it's over. It's when you are able to say it without feeling the need to go and bury yourself under your blankets and cry.

So yes.

It's true.

In the end you will be okay. If you aren't okay then it isn't the end.

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