With everything that had been happening, with Grayson and Chris and Dan and even PJ, he hadn't even realized there would be a quiz, so he obviously hadn't studied. At least he hasn't completely bombed it, but he could have done better. He spent that period taking studious notes in the attempt to make it look like he was trying, no matter the fact that this attempt would likely be abandoned by tomorrow.


The end of the day couldn't come fast enough, and Phil dragged himself through all of his classes using the least amount of energy as possible to do so. But even when the final bell rang and he was free from that purgatory of peers and teachers, he wasn't completely free.

His father needed his help at the restaurant today because they were short staffed and this was one of their busiest days. And while Phil normally didn't hate working, today he just wasn't as into it as usual. The customers he usually found interesting socially were grating on his nerves, and the heat from the kitchens was almost unbearable. His feet were bound to be swollen from moving so much, more than he was used to, and he had already acquired three burns on his arms from getting too close to the stovetop.

At least he was allowed a break, despite not actually working there on regular hours. Of course, the joy and sheer relief of getting off his feet was immediately dispelled when his father sidled up beside him in the back of the restaurant and began talking.

"So," he started slowly, his hands twisting in front him. "Your mother tells me you have a...thing. With a guy."

Phil laid his head in his hands and sighed deeply. "Jeez, dad, is it just you guys' dream to live vicariously through my every moment in life?"

His dad shrugged. "Hey, I know you didn't ask to be put into this world, but parents get curious. About everything. Even your sex life."

"Okay, wow," Phil said, standing up and heading for the door, "I'm actually leaving right now, cutting my break short-"

"Okay, okay," his dad grabbed his arm gently, preventing him from leaving. "I'll stop being Cringe Dad for a moment, I do want to talk with you, though."

"Promise you want ask about my sex life?"

"Not directly." Phil huffed, but crossed his arms and stayed where he was. His dad mimicked him, and leaned against the wall beside him. "So it's not a serious thing?"

That's what he had told his mum, but right now, he couldn't lie like that. He shrugged, and ran a hand through his hair, which was starting to stick up in random places from the heat. "I mean...I don't really know, it's--it's complicated." Not technically a lie. "We've been something for a little while but, right now, I don't know for sure."

"And you're being safe?"

Phil prayed for his soul and scowled. "Jesus, yes, I am, promise."

His dad nodded. "Okay, then I guess you're fine. Just, be cautious, yeah? I don't want you to get hurt or something."

Phil smiled wanly. "You're not worried about me breaking someone else's heart?"

"Well, I don't even know this other guy, do I?" He responded reasonably. "No use in stressing over a complete stranger, is there."

And just like that, the conversation was over. He's expected a bit more interrogation or telling off, but his dad simply winked at him and left him alone once again, going back to work.

Phil sat there for much longer than intended, wondering why he felt a hell of a lot more guilty than he ever had before. It wasn't like he didn't know that his parents didn't know about Dan. Hell, he'd been trying his hardest to keep it from them for a year, and barely succeeding.

Maybe it was the fact that they had voiced it aloud, that they were absolutely clueless and that it was all Phil's fault. He had that power in his hands, to tell them everything or not.

It was his move now, and he had no fucking clue what to do.


a/n: firstly I want to say if you haven't listened to the 1975's new album yet, than you're a square and you need to reevaluate your life choices, cause it is fucking amazing like holy shit please go listen to it.

Besides that, yay, new chapter! I hope you guys are ready, it's time for some feels-stomping next chapter >:)

I think I'm gonna try to focus on this story more than my other on-going stories, simply because I've been writing it longer and it has the most progress, but I won't completely forget my other stories, I promise. I just want this to be awesome, and that means focusing one hundred percent on it.

But yeah, I hope you guys liked it, it means a lot that you even read it, and I mean it when I say I love you. I do. I love you. Peace :3

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