At that moment Drew and Peter enters. I must say that I'm impressed with my work, Peter has a black eye, cut lip and a few bruises, but Drew is so much worse. His whole face is swollen and purple and has cuts all over. I see my brother smiling, satisfied with his work. He definitely took his anger out on Drew for hurting Tris.

"Did you do that?" Will hisses at Tris.

"No." she replies, "Someone, I don't know who, found me right before... before, I got tossed into the chasm."

Although I was there, I am still shocked about what they were going to do. They were going to kill her. It was no trick, they were going to carry it out to the end.

"We have to do something about this," Uriah says in a low tone.

"What? Beat them up?" Christina smirks, "Looks like that's been taken care of already."

"No. That's a pain they can get over, but if we edge them out of the rankings it will damage their future. Permanently." Uriah says darkly and I know that Tris isn't the only one his is trying to protect.

Before we can say anything else Tobias stands between the tables causing us to fall silent, "Transfers we're doing something different today. We're going now so follow me."

"Be careful," Uriah says to Tris as we stand up ready to leave.

"Don't worry," says Will, "We'll protect her."

Tris deserves better friends than Will and Christina. They are only protecting her when she is weak. They wouldn't protect her otherwise, like they left her after he beat them in the rankings.

We start to follow my brother, but then Uriah pulls me back, "Great work of Peter by the way."

"One of my best I must say," I reply flicking my hair jokily.

"Make sure Tris is okay."

"She is my friend too."

"And watch out for Peter."

"My brother will be there. He won't try anything. Anyway, I really need to go."

He quickly hugs me which seems a bit out of nature, but I don't think about it as I run after the others. I catch up as they are starting to climb up the path by the pit. I wonder where we are going.

Tris manages to get me on my own and asks, "Were you there yesterday? I am sure I saw you, or at least heard you."

I guessed that she was going to ask me this, but she wasn't going to ask in front of the others as she wasn't mentioning her night with Tobias.

"I was there," I say almost reluctantly because I know that she will make assumptions.

"Were you with Four?"

"We both helped you, but we weren't together before. We just both happened to be by the chasm around the same time."

"So just coincidental," she asks with a tone of suspicion

"Yeah," I reply, but I can tell she isn't convinced.

"Do you like him?"

"Four?" I ask and continue as she nods, "He's a great teacher, but means nothing else to me."

She ponders this over and then enquires, "Then why do I see you together a lot?"

"He's close with Zeke who is Uriah's brother. It's inevitable that we would see each other. There's nothing between us. He's all yours."

"All mine," she scoffs, "I don't know what you mean." 

"You know what I mean."

"No clue," she replies before joining Christina and Will. I know she is lying, her feelings for my brother are obvious.

Tobias's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now