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[A/N]: Sorry in advance for how unoriginal and short they are!

Though you both rarely used nicknames, you still had some for each other. Pein's for you was, dear, which was used when it private. Your's for him was, Magnet. While his was for endearment, your's was more of a jab at his appearance and abilities.

Konan didn't really have any nicknames for you, she thought your name was perfectly fine. You, on the other hand, loved giving Konan nicknames. Your favorite one was, Angel, for obvious reasons.

Your nickname for Kakuzu was just his name shortened, Kuzu. Though using that nickname meant a variety of things, Kakuzu hated it all the same. He didn't see the reason for nicknames, which was why he stuck with your name.

Hidan really didn't have a nickname for you, unless 'bitch' counted as one. Which, in case it did count, then probably so did, 'Jashin-ass kisser'.

Itachi's nickname for you was, Flower. Small and delicate. Your nickname for him was, Weasel, though you only used it when you felt especially playful.

Nicknames for you and Kisame were a usual thing, since you were often teasing and making jabs at each other. His nicknames for you were either, Squirt or Perv, and yours for him were, Shark-man or Jaws.

Sasori wasn't openly a very affectionate man, physically or verbally, so nicknames were a rare thing with him. Though whenever you were grinding on his nerves or acting high and mighty, he called you, (King/Queen). You occasionally called him, Ventriloquist Dummy, whenever you wanted to annoy him or you weren't getting your way.

You often called Deidara, Dei or Blonde. He sometimes called you, sweetheart, either during private intimate moments or, more often then not, just to get on your nerves.

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