"SHUT UP!" I yelled in her ear, making her cringe away from me, and causing me to giggle.

"You're so loud," she whined. "Come on already."

Bella was being a bum, sitting there, reading and saying "looks good" on every dress, so I sent her off, and the three of us now enjoyed checking out our boobs and butt in the mirror in each dress.

"I think I look adorable in this," I commented at a flowy soft pink dress, turning around and inspecting it.

"You look like a princess," Angela smiled sweetly.

"I want to buy this," I sighed, "but I also wanna look really hot for Jared." I stared at the dress a moment more before walking to my bag, getting my phone out.

I checked my bank account- unlike Bella, I went with the flow and started working the moment I could- and realized I've got more than enough money for two dresses and still have the nice amount of 2000$.

I grinned widely at the genius plan of busting my butt off at summer in two jobs. I may have been too tired to move most of the time, but I had more than enough money to have fun now.

"Alright, I'll buy this dress and if I don't find anything else I'll--" I stopped in the middle of the sentence as a black material caught my eyes.

One shoulder, floral, reaching to the ground in one side and the other cut so it'd show my legs. It was one to go with black high-heels and dark red lipstick.

It was amazing, and it screamed ASHLEY SWAN.

"I want this," I stated, eyes wide as I walked through the shop right to the end. While the pink one costed 489$, this one costed 799$, but I'd look like a million.

I immediately tried it on, showing off to the two girls.

"Oh my God! It is so beautiful!" Jessica gushed. "You have to let me try it on once your dance is over."

"Of course," I nodded, twirling. "Angela?"

"It's perfect for you," she nodded, smiling.

And it really was. It was jaw- dropping, I knew this dress would get the reaction I wanted from Jared, and not only him, I smirked at the shop parlor who was looking at me intently. 

Sexy look achieved.

"I'm buying them both," I announced, "worse case scenario I'll wear the pink one in Prom or in spring dance next year."

"Yeah, it'll look good anytime," Angela stated, admiring her deeper pink dress. Angela and Jessica's dresses were more Prom dresses, while mine were more of a close wedding-guest type.

But I liked doing things big.

I smiled at the cashier as I paid for the dresses with the credit card, before checking a text message.

Jared: bought you the plane tickets, I'll send you an email with everything later. love u xx

I smiled, giddy with excitement. He said he loved me before, but we broke up twice since.

I texted back a simple smiley and a heart, before thanking the cashier as the three of us went to eat.

We waited for Bella for a while, before I tried calling her.

I started feeling worried, "guys, maybe we should go look for her?"

Jessica seemed deep in thought before answering. "Well, we got here early, so maybe she's just taking a while. Let's go sit down, and if she doesn't call or get here in half an hour, like we said, we'll go look for her."

It seemed reasonable. We were early, and I was just stressed out. I was very easy to freak out as of lately, and despite my uneasiness, I agreed.

I ordered pizza while Angela and Jessica both ordered pasta. My pizza came with a salad which I happily devoured once I finished my pizza. I kept texting Bella like an obsessive sister, but she never replied, so after 25 minutes I told Angela and Jess that I'm going to look for her.

"We'll join you," Angela said, and we quickly asked for the bill, paid and left a tip, before hurriedly walking down the stairs, and I almost crushed face-first into Edward Cullen's chest.

"Oh, sorry," I told him, before catching a glimpse of Bella behind him. "BELLA!" I called, somehow, British accent leaking into my speech. "You bloody idiot! Where the hell were you? Have you got any idea how bloody worried I was? I WAS THINKING THE WORST YOU FU--" Angela's hand landed on my mouth.

"Not in front of the kids," she warned as we glanced at a mother with two children clutching her hands.

"I'm not done with you, hear me Bella?" I continued as Angela retrieved her hand. "I will murder you brutally if you ever give me a scare like that, I will not tolerate even one other time in which you act like that. One toe out of line and I will make sure you-"

"I get it Ash!" Bella, paler than usual, stopped me. "I'm an idiot and I will be murdered if I get murdered."

"It is not funny, Bella, I--!"

"I'm sorry I kept Bella from dinner," Edward apologized. "We just sort of ran into each other and started talking."

"No, we totally understand, things like that happen, right?" Jessica asked, giggling.

"No," I very stubbornly stated, glaring at Bella. Her and her weirdo boyfriend are not getting away from this. Edward gave me an amused smile. 

"Ash," she sighed.

"Bells," I mimicked. 

"Come on Ash, don't be like that, take a chill pill," she mocked me.

"I'll show you chill--" Jessica dragged me away then.

"We were just... Yeah, so, Bella if you want to..." she pointed at her car.

"I think I should make sure Bella eats first," Edward said and I gave her an evil eye.

"Ooh, yeah, she should eat so she'd die--"

"Ashley, please, relax!" Angela spoke next, dragging me into the car.

"I know where you sleep, Bells! And I'll be waiting awake!"

"Stop being a dork," she said awkwardly. 

"Said the weirdo lover," I snorted very unattractively. Jared thought I was perfect though, and that's what really mattered.

Or maybe I thought I was perfect and Jared always agreed because he was whipped?

One of the two, either way, I was perfect and I was certain.

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