9 || The Gaurdian

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Supernatural Fiction

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"She's got the eyes of innocence; the face of an angel. A personality of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than you can ever imagine." --Unknown

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"Excuse me—hello," I hear someone calling from far away. Then, suddenly I feel a light hand nudge my shoulder. "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead," the same high-pitched voice exclaimed.

My eyes fluttered open and are overwhelmed with white. Groaning at the unfamiliarity, I squint until my eyes have adjusted to the newfound light.

"Where am I," I whisper.

"I can answer that," a small brunette woman dressed from head to toe in white, steps into view. "My name is Annalisa, and I've been assigned to show you around and help you get your bearings."

I don't know what to say. I don't remember ever signing up for a retreat or the campus camp. I most certainly haven't seen anything like this on any pamphlet.

"Sorry, that didn't really answer your question did it? Okay. Arthur, I have some really big news to tell you and you mustn't freak out just yet," she added, waiting patiently for me to respond. I just give her a short nod.

"You were in an accident last night and you didn't make it. You passed away this morning. And your soul has been brought here." She finishes, waving her hands like I've won some grand prize. Wait. Did she say I'm dead? Is this woman nuts?

"Um, I can't be dead. I'm here. Right here," I explain, waving my arms frantically as if to emphasis my point.

"Yes, you are. You're at the gates of heaven," she adds with a small smile of understanding. Oh no, she's crazy! "I know you don't believe me, so see for yourself," she instructed, offering me a hand up.

Standing, I looked around me and sure enough it was something straight out of one of Mom's religious paintings. There were people walking around smiling too brightly, glowing even, the bright blue sky as the backdrop, and right in front of me a gold gate.

"You see, today you need to make a pretty big choice, so I have to tell you things fairly quickly. Let me know if you have any questions." I nod.

"So, as you know your body has died, but your soul is very much alive. You died very young and have not yet met your soulmate."

"There's such a thing as a soulmate?" I ask quickly.

"Yes, every person on the earth has one perfect match for them. The unfortunate part is that ever so often, one soul mate dies before they can meet the other and live a long happy life together. Does that answer your question?"

"Um, yes thank you."

"You're welcome. Anyway, as I was saying—you haven't met yours yet, and normally when one dies they get a choice to either guard their love or live here and simply wait; either way once the two get here they are reincarnated. However, because you haven't met yours yet, it is natural for you to choose to wait—there are so many activities to do in the mean time: Snorkeling in the stars, jumping on the moon, spending time with Elvis. He is quite the catch by the way." Annalisa kept rambling on about all the things that can be enjoyed in heaven, while I thought.

There is someone down there waiting for me and they are never going to find me. I was meant to be with that person. I was meant to have more of a life. What if they are not happy? What if my dying destroyed their happiness forever? I can wait for the person to come to me or I can go watch over them. We are soulmates and from what I'm being told I have loved this person before, so maybe it would be better to be with them.

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