Chapter Six (D): Misfits, Mates, Makeup and One Massively Momentous Moment

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Chapter Six (D): Misfits, Mates, Makeup and One Massively Momentous Moment

Misfit. That was the word the other girls had used to describe her. Thandie could not take issue with the substantive nature of the word. After all each of its synonyms, oddity, eccentric, nonconformist, etc. certainly applied to her. However, they claimed that this was their sole reason for having treated her so coldly for nearly two years. “Really?” she thought. Then, considering, “I think not.” They were hiding something. She smelled…mendacity reeking in every syllable of their words.

          As promised, Ginny had summoned the other girls who were around Thandie’s age to her room. When they came to understand the reason for the impromptu gathering, compliance warred with resentment as they reluctantly offered up her eccentricity as an explanation for their actions. However, in the words of Jamie and Theo, Thandie knew bullshit when she smelled it.

          Ginny and Elly looked pained, worried that they had only added to her mental burden. However, Thandie was actually bolstered by this false argument. If they were being untruthful by saying her oddity was responsible for their withdrawal, then it logically followed that her oddity was not the cause of her current isolation. If anything, she felt relieved. She was not being ostracized for being a misfit. It was for something else! But what?

          “Well, with a few exceptions, I have known the majority of you for most of my life, According to my parents, I have been a misfit since birth. Therefore, I really must ask, why did this suddenly become an issue not quite two years ago?” For a few moments, no one volunteered to explain, refusing to meet her eyes.

Delaney held her gaze defiantly. Her story was rather unusual. The eighteen year old had come to the Talvel Pack as a nearly sixteen-year-old orphan following a house fire. A were police officer who was patrolling in her precinct had managed to get to her in time, but her human parents died of smoke inhalation. She was then taken in by a family in the pack and converted to a werewolf. Several months later, the first of Thandie’s friends found his mate in her eyes.

“I’ll tell you why we don’t like you,” Delaney offered. “You are always sniffing around our men like a bitch in heat!” she exclaimed venomously.

Thandie immediately stepped forward and slapped her across the face, causing her entire body to swing violently to the right.

Delaney looked stunned and then lifted a hand to retaliate.

Melody, another were around their age, grabbed her arm before she could succeed.

“Delaney, what are you thinking? Remember your lessons? By slapping you, she accused you of slander and challenged you to a fight. You can’t defend yourself against her. She’ll rip you apart!”

“Are you kidding? Look at her! I have almost a foot on her, and I’ve never even seen her fight. She just hangs out around the ring, watching out mates.”

“That’s because she’s not allowed to spar with them. She’s too skilled, and they might be hurt.”

Delaney paused. “Well then, how does anyone know how well she fights?”

A Scientific Rejection, Book I: The Making (On Indefinite Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now