Chapter Six (A): How An Uther Became An Alfie

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Chapter Six (A): How An Uther Became An Alfie

As he enjoyed a beer, Uther wandered away from the grill where he had been swapping stories with the other wolves and began to circulate among the men. He felt strange. It was a day of spontaneous celebration for the pack. Yet, it was also a time of mourning for him. He would shortly lose both a son and a niece who was more of a daughter, to Wolfpax U. The latter he would probably lose for a lifetime, when her mate finally had an opportunity to find her. He shook his head, thinking of the Rogues that he and Eli would round up to try and stave off that eventuality. It was a sound plan, even if she had not meant it. Uther knew that whoever was to be mated to his Didi, the wolf was no rogue. He would have to be powerful. However, by rounding up rogues, they might find wolves who were meant for some of the other she-wolves in this pack or in another pack, and they would simultaneously rid themselves of a growing problem within the territory. After all, many wolves went rogue after failing to find their mates. Just then, one of the younger members broke him out of his musings, tumbling into the Alpha while roughhousing with another member.

Uther allowed a stern expression to show on his face as he looked down at the pups, who could not be more than nine or ten years old.

 “S-s-sorry, Alpha. We didn’t see you there,” one of them finally stammered out.

“Well, be more careful next time,” he began sternly. “After all, if one more wolf crashes into my legs today, I will have to assume that there is some sort of conspiracy.”

It took a moment for his quip to sink in before the boys began laughing, along with the others who had gone quiet at the initial incident. Afterwards, they went back to their activities, enjoying the late morning sunshine.

There was a time when Uther would never have allowed what he would have viewed as such an undisciplined gathering to occur. However, now he could see the firm, orderly changing of the guard, as a new border patrol unit would leave every thirty minutes, sending back the one that had been relieved. The same occurred with the guards who manned the doors and windows of the Pack Gathering Room, and the Pack House, in general. Also, while everyone had a few beers, it took a lot more to overcome the metabolism of a werewolf. In this manner, everyone took part in the pack’s security, and in its revelry. The only exception to the rule was Arthur, who insisted on working his entire shift. He paused, considering the enigmatic man, and the tiny little whirlwind who was responsible for his absence from the fun. She was also inadvertently responsible for the overall change in the pack. Considering this, Uther allowed his mind to wander back in time.

At the time Thandie had been born, he was a different man. He had lived through many wars before they had moved to North America, and their time here had not always been without conflict, especially when the colonies began sending men here who would have best served the world at the end of a hangman’s noose. A rabid human was the worst kind of rogue, and even when he was still chief enforcer, if they wandered into his territory, Uther had been ruthless in putting them down. They had heard the stories of men who would kidnap and abuse their little ones, or their mates. That was not going to happen on his watch.

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