Chapter Eight (B): The Pain of Grief and A Balm of Relief

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Chapter Eight (B): The Pain of Grief and A Balm of Relief

 “Alfie?” Thandie called softly as she stepped inside his office door.

Uther looked up and smiled at the sight of his Thandie at the door, and beckoned her forward. “What brings you here, Little One?” he asked. “I thought you were going on a walk with your mother.”

“I did,” she agreed, nodding with uncharacteristic solemnity as she walked farther into the room.

Uther frowned, placing his paperwork on top of the desk and rising to step around the obstacle. “Come here, Pumpkin,” he said, taking Thandie by the hand and guiding her over to a nearby couch before pulling her down onto his lap. He rocked her, much as he had done when she was a little girl and would run to him with her boo boos. She hadn’t grown much since then, he thought ruefully, kissing the top of her head as she snuggled against his shoulder. They sat in silence for a few moments before he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she whispered, her voice wavering as she tried to fight back tears.

“It’s not ‘nothing’ when it makes my baby girl cry. Now tell me what’s going on,” he ordered firmly, lifting her chin so that their eyes met.

“It’s Mom,” she finally said in a watery voice.

Uther’s arms tightened about her, already aware of what she probably had to say.

“She’s just so…melancholy,” Thandie shared in a bewildered tone. “She would barely look at me while we walked, and she won’t talk to me. I wouldn’t be upset, but we’ve always been so close. I’m going to be leaving soon, and this is not the way that I want to remember my last summer with my mother.”

“Have you talked to Elly or Eli about this?” Uther asked.

“No,” she stated firmly, shaking her head. “I don’t even know where to begin with Mom and if I tell Dad while he’s away at the palace, he’ll just worry over something that he cannot change, and come back before he completes his mission.”

“You’re right,” Uther agreed, “but a mission will never be more important than you. I’ll talk to him.”

“But…” Thandie protested.

“But nothing! Eli is one of the best men I know, the most loving mate, and the most protective father I have ever met. Now, can you imagine how he would feel if I broke his trust by failing to tell him that there is something wrong with his mate, and that his baby girl needs his support? No. I’ll send someone else. In fact,” he said musingly, “I think it would be good for James to take on some responsibility. He’s been restless for the past few weeks and his mom has been pretty moody lately, with the pregnancy and all.” He didn’t add that a brief trip away from the packlands might serve to keep Arthur from stomping his son into the dirt if he didn’t stop following Thandie around like a lost puppy.

“I guess you’re right,” Thandie reluctantly agreed.

“Of course I’m right. That’s why they made me the Alfie,” he informed her with mock seriousness, poking the end of her nose with his index finger, and eliciting a girlish giggle from the little one in his arms.

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