Chapter Four: The Queen's Desk (Clean)

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pic on side is of Raymond Mungo


Chapter Four: The Queen's Desk

Still a Little Lemon, but Not Too Juicy!

“To find who? The next girl he can shag and then on to the next one?” he asked, angrily.

“You know who!” Candace said sternly, pulling herself from his arms to turn her back to him and fold her arms across her chest in mock anger. “The same find that stopped you closing down every party and knocking on every girl’s door in Wolfpax U.”

“Now Candy Cane,” he rumbled, leaning down to kiss the shell of her ear and wrap her in his arms from behind, “you know that you have been it for me since the first day I saw you sitting in the Central Courtyard.” Suddenly, discussing his immature son no longer seemed to be such a priority, as other matters arose to his attention.

His voice sent shivers down her spine, the mixture of the deep brogue of his Scottish upbringing, coated with the honeyed sweetness of a South Carolina drawl. “I know, Ray,” she answered breathlessly. Then, she forced herself to pull away. Placing steel into her back and her voice, worthy of her heritage, “and if Mr. Happy is at all attached to his current location, then it had better remain that way.”

 She turned sharply, intending to walk away, when Raymond gathered her back into his arms again, working on her ear and hearing her breathing and her pulse begin to speed up rapidly. He smiled, slightly, “Speaking of Mr. Happy,” he murmured, crouching down and clasping his arms around her waist to tightly hold her backside to his front so that he could eagerly rub himself against her, “he has missed you since this morning.” He heard his wife gasp, as she felt the size of his need for her.

She turned her head over her shoulder, “But Ray, we have so much to…”

He silenced her, taking her mouth while gently skimming his hands up and down the sides of her breasts, careful not to get too close to the centers. All the while he continued to nudge her shirt aside, slipping buttons from their holes as he spread hot kisses over her shoulders. He could smell the heat of her arousal, and knew that for her first pleasuring, he would have to be careful because it wouldn’t take much for him to send her over the edge. He wanted her for the aftenoon, and not just for a few minutes of "fun." His hands continued to roam freely, across her torso and thighs, never quite touching any of her most sensitive places.

“What did you say?” he breathed into her ear.

“I...I...What?” she asked, 

“Exactly.” Lifting her slightly with an arm across her torso, he placed her feet farther back, spreading them with his own and knocking her off balance and forcing her to rest her weight even more firmly against his body.

“In fact,” he ground out, “he mentioned something about coming out to visit for quite a while, just to say hi.”

“Who’s coming?” Candace asked, confused about the guest he mentioned and distracted by his roaming mouth and hands.

“You are,” he growled in a thick brogue.

Lifting her, bridal style, Raymond strode across the office and deposited her onto her back on the padded top of the Queen’s Desk, with her bottom half facing the chair. 


He sat back, wiping the remaining moisture from his moustache and beard with a towel from the drawer and observing as she sprawled bonelessly across the desktop. The pack had dubbed it, "The Queen’s Desk," after his Personal Assistant had had it delivered to the office a few years back. Apparently, he and Candace had broken one too many computers and had lost one too many documents containing vital information during “lunch.” Michael had politely suggested that he have his “lunches” with his wife at the Queen’s Desk from then on.

Seeing that his wife was beginning to regain her senses, Ray decided that this wouldn’t do at all. He was  already fighting his wolf for dominance, the beast close to the surface as he screamed "Mine!" His wolf smelled that his mate was going into heat, and wished to ensure a strong pup this cycle. Maybe a daughter this time? He asked himself. Thinking of their fourteen sons he scoffed. That would be the day. Standing, he reached for the straps. After securing her waist to the surface, he finished his preparation, until she was cradled into a type of sling. Tilting the top of the desk, he placed it at the angle of an draftsman's desk, but lower. The cradle and waistband held her securely.

Confused, Candace opened her eyes, seeing her husband staring downward. "Ray," she called, seeking reassurance by capturing his gaze with her own. When his eyes rose to meet hers she froze, realizing that she was not looking into the endless blue pools of her husband’s eyes, but into the icy silver eyes of his wolf. 

Seeing her eyes widen in trepidation, Niall, Ray's inner wolf, allowed a smug smile to spread across his face before leaning in close to rumble two words into her ear: "My turn."


It will be a while before you see any kind of juicy lemons between the potential mates. We have to meet them and their families, and they have to meet and get to know one another first. I just thought that I would use Warrick's happily mated parents to give you a sample of what is to come.

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