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-Finn's POV-

"Jack, what am I gonna do? She won't speak to me, she thinks I am dating Zoe." I had told Jack this every day, but I really didn't know what to do.

"There's nothing you can do. Unless you go to her apartment and stand outside the door until she has to let you in but that would be crazy"

"You're a genius, I'm gonna go get dressed"

"Finn, this isn't a good idea"

"It was your idea"


I was going anyway, I needed to talk to her face to face. I had a shower and put on a shirt because I wanted to show that I had made an effort, I put on the aftershave that she had told me she liked and headed downstairs. Jack was stood holding a bunch of flowers "I knew you wouldn't have thought to get flowers, so I went instead"

"Thanks Jack, you're the best"

"Now go and explain"

"I am" I grabbed my keys and left our house. I drove to Kate's apartment, luckily I remembered where it was, and parked my car. I decided to text Kate to let her know I was here and to check she was in 'Are you home? Because I'm downstairs, we need to talk

We made our way up to Kate's apartment and stepped in "Wait here" she told me and walked off into another room I heard her talking she said "Chloe, do you mind going out for a couple of hours. Finn's here, we're going to try and talk things through" I'm guessing Chloe agreed because not long after they both came out of the room and Chloe left. Kate sat down on her couch "You can sit down if you want" She looked different, she had bags under her eyes and she looked thinner. It was obvious that she wasn't sleeping or eating properly and it was my fault

"Kate" I started "I wanted to apologise for what happened the other day. I promise it wasn't what it looked like, please just let me explain"

"Go ahead" she sounded hurt and upset

"I missed you so much once you had left, I didn't get to say goodbye properly. I didn't think I would see you again and I knew that a relationship between us would be impossible so when I was talking to Jack, he suggested trying to move on and to find someone else, which is why I was so distant with you. I tried to listen to Jack's advice but I couldn't just forget about you, I can't just forget about the girl I love. The day of Summer in the City, I realised that I couldn't get over you and I needed to see you. Zoe realised that I was upset so she was helping me to feel better so the fans wouldn't ask loads of questions. I wanted to keep you a secret from my fans because some of them are crazy and would send you hate. Zoe had finished comforting me and I felt a lot better, so I gave her a hug because she is one of my best friends, she is like a sister. I don't want to be with her, I just want to be with you." By this point, we were both in tears.

"Finn, I'm sorry. I overreacted to this whole situation, I guess I get jealous easily. I've never had a boyfriend or liked someone as much as I like you so when I saw you with Zoe, I got scared that you didn't like me anymore and that I had made a horrible decision in moving here away from my family and my home. I ran off, as you know, and you followed me. After you had left Chloe came back here and we talked and I realised that I was making a mountain out of a molehill so I tried to ring you. You didn't answer, so I thought the worst and that's why I text you. I'm so sorry Finn, I didn't mean it"

"I understand, why you thought what you did. Fans that ad been at Summer in the City had gone crazy when Zoe and I hugged, they started taking pictures and now they're all over the internet. It's not just you that thought we were dating. I looked at some of the pictures and even I thought that the huhg looked more than just a friendly hug. I love you Kate so much and when I thought I'd lost you I couldn't cope"

"I love you too, Finn. Promise me, no more over friendly hugs with other people"

"I promise. Promise me that you won't overreact to small things"

"I promise."

"Come here" I opened my arms so we could hug. We hugged for a few minutes, I was so happy, she was finally in my arms. We pulled away from the embrace and I held her chin so she was looking at me, into my eyes. I slowly started to move in for a kiss and she did the same, we were less than a centimetre apart when we heard the door close. Chloe was back.

"Oh, sorry guys. There was no where for me to go, I don't like large groups of people and everywhere was really busy"

"No it's fine" I said "I should probably get back anyway"

"Do you want to stay?" Kate asked me

"I have to get back, Jack will be wondering where I am. I think we are gonna film a video, so I'll see you later yeah?"

"Oh, okay. Yeah I'll see you soon" we both stood up and made our way to the door. Kate glared at Chloe as she walked past. "Bye Finn"

"Bye Kate" I hugged her because Chloe was still stood there and I knew she was judging us. I started to walk to my car. I couldn't help but smile, things were finally back on track and maybe a relationship was possible now.

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