I'm so sorry

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-Finn's POV-

I finally did it. I kissed her. She now knows how I feel, but was it the right thing to do? I have no idea but it felt right, like I was kissing a girl I'd loved for my whole life, like she had never left. Kate pulled "Finn, I can't. I don't don't want to lose you again. I'm leaving on Monday, I just can't" Tears crept into my eyes "please don't cry!" "But I really like you, I've liked you since we met and when you left I couldn't hold myself together I thought I'd never see you again and when we met in the underground. It was like.... it was as if all my dreams had come true. Please just go on one date with me and if you hate it I'll leave you alone. Please?" "Just one" My smile went from ear to ear, I was so happy she said yes. I needed to ring Jack and Louis and tell them. Show Jack that I can get a date and that I wasn't going to be a crazy cat man! "Do you want me to drop you off at your hotel?" "Actually could you drop me off near Oxford street. I need to go shopping!" "Of course I can"

This time the journey wasn't silent or awkward. I switched on the radio and one direction was playing so I sang along. Kate laughed at me so I put on a sad face "is my singing not good enough for you?" "It's great" she giggled. "Fine you try, if you think you're so good" I said sarcastically "Oh, I couldn't. I've never sang in front of anyone" "Really? For me? Please?" I pulled my puppy dog eyes and it worked. "What song do you want me to sing?" "What do you know?" Giving her the choice like a true gentleman I thought to myself. "How about Oh Darling by Plug in Stereo?" I'd seen my friends Joey and Meghan do a cover of that a while ago and I loved it. "I love that song!" "Good!" She was quiet for a few seconds and began to sing. It was beautiful. She was amazing, not only was she she beautiful but she could sing! When she finished all I could say was "Wow" We were only around the corner from Oxford street an I knew she had to go. "I'll pick you up at eight" I said while she got out of the car. "What are we doing" "I can't tell you that. It's a surprise!" She just laughed and shook her head "Bye Finn"

I had to get something ready. I didn't know what to do. A romantic meal? Too predictable. Cinema? Too quiet. I then got an idea and it was one of my best ideas ever! But I needed some help to get it ready, so I rang Louis explained my situation and of course he agreed. I also apologised for leaving him the other day and he said he understood. I also rang Jack to tell him but to mainly brag about my date. But Jack reminded me that I hadn't told her what I did for a living. I make youtube videos with Jack on his channel. It was great but I got recognised occasionally, hopefully tonight wouldn't be one of those nights. I then went to pick Louis up so I could get the surprise ready.

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