❤️Chapter 1: Our Only Chance❤️

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I gazed out of the window of the Mystery Shack's attic and sighed. A few hours after we had woken from the Underground, our Great Uncle Ford had rushed in, telling us that the end of the wirld was near, and he needed Dipper's help. They told me to stay inside, just so Bill won't find me. I guess that's a good thing, cuz I always seem to get in the way. Especially if I have someone on my mind.

Sans... Did you really mean what you said? I sighed as I thought of the short skeleton, remembering everything I went through underneath the surface. Sadly, Sans' brother, Papyrus, was killed by Dipper, when he became to obsessed with power, and ended up possesed by this evil spirit called Chara. So I kept the thick-boned skeleton company, until he couldn't take it anymore, and went to go kill my brother. But with a lot of persuading, Sans had transported us home, ending our journey too soon. But was it really over? Unlike most of the guys that I've crushed on, Sans said he loved me. And he didn't just say it once either. He had truly meant it. Well, at least I thought so. But he was stuck down there, with all the other monsters. There was no way to bring him up here with us, unless-

Suddenly, an idea popped in my mind, and I grabbed one of Dipper's hats, sticking all of my hair in the cap, dashing downstairs and outside.

"Where are you going-" Wendy, one of Grunkle Stan's employees began to ask, but stopped as she saw me dash out of the mystery Shack.

I stopped in my tracks when I found the skies had turned a crimson red, and Bill had started his apocalypse. Perfect. This may work, I thought to myself as dashed as close as I could to him as I could. "Hey Bill! Look, it's me! Dipper! Your favorite Pine Tree! Come and get me!" Bill's eye met mine, and he started to chase after me as I headed to Mt. Ebbot, but the other side as to where the barrier was, and a single hole was pouring sunlight in. I stood over the earth as I taunted him closer, but i quickly rolled out of sight as Bill shot a laser blast out of his eye at the Barrier.

When the coast was clear, I checked to feel if there was a force where the Underground met the surface. Nothing. Happiness flooded me as I threw off Dipper's hat, knowing that I broke the barrier. Go ahead, Mabel, tell the monsters the good news!

I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Sans, waiting eagerly for a response. But to my suprise, he didn't answer. I decided to leave a message anyways, hoping he'd hear it before I made it down there.

"Sans! It's me, Mabel. You won't believe what I managed to do! I've broken the barrier, and I'm coming to get you now. Don't worry Sans, I'm gonna fix this, and I'm gonna make sure everyone is back. I promise..."

I hung up the phone as I stared into the Underground. I did promise to come back to visit, right? Well, I guess I was coming a little earlier than expected. Did I alarm him? Was he hurt? Whatever the case, I was going down there, whether Sans liked it or not. We needed him. And I'd get Papy back too. And everyone else that died in Chara's fault. "I'm coming Sans," I whispered as I jumped down into the caverns, landing in a yard that seemed similar to Toriel's, but a throne sat at the front of the golden flowers I fell on.

At least it wasn't that big of a fall... I sat up as the stars from my head left, trying to get to my feet, but somehow, my ankle broke. I don't know how, but it did, and I couldn't walk. "Ow..." I muttered as rubbed my leg, thoughts racing through my mind.

"Oh my... My child, are you hurt?" I looked up to see a huge goat, in armor that had a symbol similar to Toriel. As I stared at him, the pieces started to come together. The symbol... Goat-monsters... "My child..."

"You're... King Asgore...." I stared in amazement, taking the hand he held out for me. As the king pulled me up, I fell onto his side, my ankle giving out. "Here, let's sit down and have a chat, and you can explain what is happening."

The goat picked me up, and took me back to his headquarters, sitting me at a large table, sitting me down at a chair and sat down across from me. "Now..." Asgore started, worry glazing his eyes. "The seventh soul had fallen down here not long ago, but he's gone now... And even if you were the seventh soul, you would fall from the other side of Mount Ebbot... And what's even more confusing is that you somehow broke the barrier wihout killing yourself.... Who... Are you?"

"I'm... I'm Mabel Pines. My brother was the last human soul, but Sans...."

"Sans the Skeleton?" The goat's eyes gleamed curiosity at the sound of my friend's name. I nodded, remembering that Sans did mention how Asgore wanted to meet me. "I see... So you are the Mabel Pines that I have been waiting to meet. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Sans has told me a lot about you."

"He... He has? L-like what?"

"That you were a very kind and sweet girl. But you would never go down without a fight." The king gave a chuckle before continuing. "Sans doesn't say this much, but he seemed to take a liking to you. The way he described you, he seemed to be into you. Which is very peculiar, since Sans has despised humans since the beginning."

"He's probably looking for me! I need to go-" I stopped when I fell to the ground, forgetting about my ankle. "Oh! I apologize! Here, let me take care of that."


"Please, Mabel, be careful. You know Flowey and Chara are still lurking around, so don't get into trouble."

"I won't. Thank you, your majesty." I waved farewell as I took a step forward, my ankle now fully healed. Thanks to Asgore's magic, he was able to heal my ankle just in time. Now, if I know Sans, hes either at home, Grillbys, or on a walk. As I headed to the nearest boatman, located in Hotland, I saw that he was already dropping someone off, and their cell phone dropped as they saw my face. "Sans..."

Underfalls: The COMPLETE Trilogy To A Gravity Falls/ Undertale CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz