Zodiac #177

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The signs as teachers:

Aries: The teacher that gives every student project after project to work on so that they don't actually have to say or do anything

Taurus: The teacher that gives candy and food-like rewards to students who gets questions right, because they believe that food is the answer to all problems.

Gemini: The teacher who talks all class period, never saying anything relevant to the lesson, but their personal drama is interesting.

Cancer: The teacher who usually belongs in a kindergarten class room as their innocent little selves make the 8th graders play ring around the rosy for a team building exercise.

Leo: That one teacher that you can actually relate too, who talks about things you get, and laughs at your jokes. You feel like they are your friend, then they turn around and give you homework.

Virgo: The teacher who you know is smarter to move out of the middle school classroom and become a professor at the college down the street.

Libra: The teacher who is teaching like a normal human-being one minute, then all of a sudden there is a paper-snowball fight in the classroom (that they started).

Scorpio: The teacher who is really passionate about what they do. You can tell that they put a lot of effort into getting to the point that they are at, and you respect that, but the subject they are teaching is boring as heck.

Sagittarius: The teacher who always breaks the rules, no matter how close to the principals office they are, and somehow, never gets caught. So they keep wearing jeans, when its not casual Friday.

Capricorn: The teacher that can somehow tell if you haven't done your homework, or you haven't finished that project, just by taking one glance at you.  Then, sometimes, when your really lucky, they will push back the due date.

Aquarius: The teacher that is an actual normal human being, and really good at what they do, and all their students get As in that class. Somehow, they manage to inspire each and every one of their students, to get straight As in the rest of their classes as well. How? The world may never know.

Pisces: The teacher who teaches the unconventional way. Whether its jumping on students desks or wearing huge prop glasses, they always seem to catch your attention. You get an A in that class.

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