Zodiac #155

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The signs as cats:

Aries: the one who stealthily watches everyone and everything, tail slightly waving back and forth

Taurus: lays flat on stomach on coffee table receiving bickering from a clean-freak mom

Gemini: keeps hiding and crawls out at unnecessary times

Cancer: uses human face as claw toy

Leo: the one who sheds like hell and get hair on every article of clothing and furniture

Virgo: gets too friendly with guests and projectile pees everywhere

Libra: meows for attention, get attention, struts away like you open the place. oh wait, you already do

Scorpio: manages to sneak through the closing door as owners leave, they come back to find you half way up a tree, beady eyes on the blue jay bird

Sagittarius: walks in front of people causing them to trip

Capricorn: brings socks from laundry rooms and proceeds to play hockey with it on the kitchen floor. then it gets under the fridge and stuck, so it's time to get the owner's lacy underwear!

Aquarius: leaves the silent but deadly toots. watch as the siblings fight on who did it

Pisces: teams up with the other cat and dog to meow up plans on how to make a sneaky break-out of the house

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