Zodiac #142

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Signs on their period:

Aries: Oops about that *throws away underwear that got destroyed* well look at the fucker who decided to come late. -_-

Taurus: Give me chocolate and painkillers, I'll be your best friend.

Gemini: *marks off calendar* Well this one was early.

Cancer: *prepared like hell* Tampon on, ready to start the day. *gets going* Aaaand, never mind.

Leo: (Mother: What the hell? Why is our pantry empty?) *burps and cries* ITS THAT TIME OF MONTH OKAY SHUT UP! . . . AND IM STILL HUNGRY GET ME SOME TAKE OUT. AND ICE CREAM. AND A MOVIE. *cries*

Virgo: Why am I experiencing this now? It's not like I'm planning to be pregnant at 14, seriously. Give me a period once I hit 25 or something.

Libra: Lol really. Guys prepare yourself, its going to be hell week again.

Scorpio: No no no. *cleans yourself up* no no no no. NO. *whole family ignores you for cautious reasons*

Sagittarius: This again. Why wasn't I born a guy. *next week* I'm so glad I'm a girl.

Capricorn: Painkillers? Check. Heating pad? Check. Netflix? Check.

Aquarius: *drags knife across stomach* STOP HURTING YOU PIECE OF SHIT

Pisces: *Uses period blood to draw a painting* At least this is something useful. *Spends the next hour crying.*

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