Zodiac #76

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Scenario of the signs at the beach:


Scorpio: Oh Pisces, stop. It's better to be hot a beach then be ice cold!

Pisces: *groans -.-*

Virgo: Does this bikini make my butt look fat?

Cancer: Capricorn, come be a mermaid with me! *throws sand over and starts to pat*

Capricorn: *joins*

Aquarius: Haha! The two dorks with a tail. ;) *takes a picture of them*

Capricorn: *makes fishy lips*

Sagittarius: WHOO HOO! I love the beach. Who wants to get food?

Taurus: Hell yeah! I want food. *both walk to the snack hut*

Virgo: Wait for meeee!

Libra: Okayyy I'm definitely swimming.

Aries: I'm with ya, I even brought goggles! *both squeal and runs to the lake*

Leo: Sand castles anyone?

Gemini: Already made one with Aquarius!

Aquarius: *smirks*

Leo: I declare a war!

Gemini: Wut.

Leo: Let's make castles with fortresses and princes and moats with drawbridges and ponies and war men!

Gemini: 0.O well um I was just up for a sand castle contest, but okay

Aquarius: *whispers* just do it Gem, it will make her happy and far away from bashing people

Capricorn: Guyysss do you hear that?

*Signs on the sand go quiet*

Gemini: It was a rumble...

Leo: And rumbles aren't good.

Taurus: *comes back with Sagittarius and Virgo.*

Sagittarius: Did you guys hear that? *bites pretzel*

Leo: Oh, so Capricorn isn't crazy.

Capricorn: Really...?

Virgo: Lol, I don't hear anything.

Taurus: It's because you are wayyy into your ice cream sandwich.

Virgo: ... But it so good!

Libra: *runs from the water* SNAAAAAAKE SNAAAAAAKE
*tackles Taurus*

Pisces: SNAKE?!? I have a major fright of snakes!

Gemini: Fright? Who says fright?

Scorpio & Leo: *snickers together*

Aries: *walks on shore* You mean this? *holds up stick* This is a pretty scary snake isn't it? *snickers*

Libra: No way! I swear I saw a snake!

Capricorn: Wow. You all are paranoid.

Aries: Well I'm going back to the water.

*Sky rumbles*

Scorpio: Uhhhh...

Cancer: great. That was thunder

Virgo: No shit Sherlock.

Scorpio: Awe. Really? :/

*Dark clouds block the sun*

Cancer: *points to clouds* Does that answer your question?

Capricorn: Well that's crap. I wanted to go on the water slide.

Pisces: Same!

Virgo: And I wanted to find a hot guy and pretend to drown so he could "save" me and then fall in love and walk to the sunset.

*Libra and Aries comes back from the water*

Aries: Hey guys, do you think because of the thunder its going to rai---

*Starts pouring rain*

Aries: Well that answers my question.

Gemini: Boo. My phone said sunny forecasts.

Taurus: *starts packing the gear up*

Aquarius: We should get changed and go see a movie!

Sagittarius: Sounds great. I'm getting very wet. *rings hair*

Pisces: Which way? *smirks*

Zodiac Signs (Book One)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz