Zodiac #22

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The signs with their (most) common phobia:

Aries: Thanatophobia- The fear of dying

Taurus: Hemophobia- The fear of blood

Gemini: Parasitophobia- The fear of parasites

Cancer: Pediophobia- The fear of toys and dolls

Leo: Claustrophobia- The fear of inclosed or small spaces

Virgo: Ophidiophobia- The fear of snakes

Libra: Glossophobia- The fear of public speaking

Scorpio: Trypanophobia- The fear of needles

Sagittarius: Astraphobia- The fear of thunder and/or lightning

Capricorn: Arachnophobia- The fear of spiders

Aquarius: Nosocomephobia- The fear of hospitals

Pisces: Phasmophobia- The fear of paranormal and the dead

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