How jealous they get

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Aries: Very jealous. Can lash out and become aggressive.

Taurus: No jealousy at all. They are quite calm and have trust in the people around them.

Gemini: Somewhat jealous but brush it off. They may come off forward or sad depending on
the situation.

Cancer: Minor jealousy. Gets angry and starts being sassy.

Leo: Highly jealous. Feels insecure and rage. May snap at people they don't mean to.

Virgo: Not really jealous. They tend to overlook this emotion and just become judge mental.

Libra: Somewhat jealous but can easily pretend they aren't. They don't enjoy this emotion so they let it slide.

Scorpio: EXTREMELY. Can suddenly feel judge mental and wants to eliminate the person immediately. Too many times have they scared off someone because of how aggressive they've acted.

Sagittarius: Kind of jealous. Only jealous to an extent and often lets the person go. They do however, become angry.

Capricorn: A teensy bit jealous. And even then they conceal it. They often feel that this emotion isn't necessary and overlook it.

Aquarius: Slightly jealous but often lets the person go their separate way without threatening them.

Pisces: EXTREMELY. They can sense it right away and can somewhat conceal it. Often they intimidate the person and make sure to make the person feel insecure.

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