08 | Deadpool Quotes

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Aries: "This last shot has to pull out, but it's the only thing pulling out tonight."

Taurus: "I'm touching myself tonight."

Gemini: "Sorry, I use humor to deflect my insecurities. Plus, I'm hilarious, so don't hate."

Cancer: "You're about to be killed by a Zamboni."

Leo: "Whatever they did to me made me completely indestructible... and completely unfuckable."

Virgo: "Shh. My common sense is tingling."

Libra: "Yeah. That is a gun in my pants. But that doesn't mean I'm not happy to see you."

Scorpio: "Today was about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo."

Sagittarius: "I look like a testicle with teeth."

Capricorn: "Captain Deadpool! No, just Deadpool."

Aquarius: "Fourth wall break inside of a fourth wall break. That's like... 16 walls!"

Pisces: "I was having a nightmare. I dreamed I took Liam Neeson's daughter and he was just not having it."

Qotd: Who's your favourite superhero?
Aotd: Deadpool. Definitely dead pool. Or maybe Spider-Man.


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