Minerva McGonagall

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The time had finally come and Elizabeth was now sitting on one of the desks in Professor McGonagall’s classroom. Waiting for the professors arrival. After a long holyday she had had time to think things through. Her hands were on the desk and she was leaning back in the chair. She had sat there for around five minutes and the professor would be there soon. Trying to hold her heartbeat under control she sat on a stubborn expression and tried her best to focus at the door.

McGonagall stumbled to a holt when she saw who was waiting for her in her own classroom. She hadn’t noticed Elizabeth before she was inside. “We need to talk.” She said and didn’t get up from the chair. “Really? I don’t suppose we have anything to talk about Ms. Taylor.” The prim looking woman’s face was strict and stubborn. Her lips drew out in a thin line. Clearly not wanting a certain Ms. Taylor in her classroom. “Yes we have.” Now Elizabeth got up to her feet, being taller than Minerva. She didn’t ask for mercy or pity at all. She was done with that. She didn’t have the patience for it. “I have tried my best to gain your forgiveness. I was a fool and a person I am not proud of to have in my memory. I am sorry!” her voice had been rising until she almost screamed the last few words. Elizabeth sat down in the chair she had been sitting in and felt herself becoming heavy. She brought a hand in front of her eyes to hide the stinging tears behind her closed eyes. She felt the guilt up in her throat, nobody spoke to her and nobody wanted to be her friend as silly as it sounded. She could have dealt with all that if it only hadn’t been for one thing. Snape’s secrecy. It just took it all and she was physically exhausted by the pressure. McGonagall didn’t move, she just stared down at the girl. Who just turned from being Elizabeth the death eater to the student she once had taught Transfiguration. “Besides you were the closest thing I could have called a friend.” She mumbled, but Minerva heard it.

Minerva looked at her for a few moments before a sigh escaped her lips. The old woman hesitated a bit before she laid a hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder. She couldn’t help but to feel a little sorry for her. She was young after all. “Come on let’s get some tea in you.” She said and somehow got Elizabeth up to her feet. Elizabeth trying to hide her tears away from her. But her one hand couldn’t hide her red and wet face by itself. Minerva led Elizabeth inside her office and placed her down at the sofa near a fire place. She took the seat next her and waved her wand so teacups and tea would prepare itself. Elizabeth stared down in the ground, concentrating on not crying. “It’s alright Elizabeth. Just let it out.” She heard the old woman say and it just took it all. Without thinking about manners nor dignity she fell into McGonagall’s lap and let her sobs escape her throat. Her back was moving up and down when she gasped for breath between the heavy crying. She felt so alone and over time it was excruciating. She was afraid of herself, of what might happen if it continued. What she might do. If she would return to the dark lord, seeking for mercy? She couldn’t bare it. She felt Minerva stroke her hair, trying to calm her down, to offer her a little bit of comfort. After a while when Elizabeth didn’t have more tears left, she sat up right. With one hand she wiped the tears away and tried to remain what she had left of dignity, if she even had some. Minerva looked at her, through her small glasses, Elizabeth stared into the floor near the fireplace. Her cheeks still a little bit wet. “It isn’t the entire reason, is it?” Elizabeth didn’t bother to deny nor argue. She just shook her head. Minerva waited in silence patiently. She was willing to give Elizabeth the time she needed for conversation. “It is Snape.” She said, not realizing how much of a big relieve to finally tell someone. “He is hiding something from me… I just-“ She shrugged feeling stupid and embarrassed. McGonagall sighed and shifted her weight so she sat in a more comfortable position. While preparing her tea she spoke with careful words. “Professor Snape is a very reserved man, if I must say so. I am sure you know him better than me…” McGonagall trailed off and figured she wasn’t going anywhere with the conversation. Elizabeth took a sip of her tea and the hot liquid made her feel a little bit better. The collar in her cheeks returned , it made her good. After a while of silence she spoke up again, slowly. “So do you forgive me?” She dared to look up at the woman who’s forgiveness was important to her. McGonagall eyed her for a long moment thinking it through. It had gone a long time, several months to be exact. “I am quite sure that your trust in me wasn’t easily given, therefore my answer is yes.” Elizabeth gave her a half smile and exhaled. She felt better, less alone. “Thank you.” Minerva nodded.

Elizabeth Taylor (Harry Potter FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora