Elizabeth Taylor

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Snape was sitting together with all of the others most trusted death eaters around the table in Lucius Malfoy’s meeting room. They were discussing the next plans to take over the Wizarding world. To the darks Lord left where Elizabeth Taylor. Her long wavy black hair falling in front of her cruel face. Covered up with her beauty. Her blue eyes framed by her dark brown eyelashes could trick any man into her claws, she was one of Voldemort’s most trusted, most value death eaters.

Severus Snape wasn’t very fond of her; her tricks didn’t work on him. She was young, nearly 30 and had the rest of her life in front of her, yet she was here, beside the Dark Lord. “Are you scared Severus?” She asked mockingly, making the room fall silent. A smirk spread across her face, knowing he couldn’t put a fight up against her. “I really don’t understand why the Dark Lord wants you.” She continued on. Her British accent being heard loud and clear.  The others snickered, Voldemort let her continue on. Annoying him, seeing how long she could keep it up before he exploded.

Later when the meeting was over he grabbed her shoulder and twirled her around, her sexy elegant dress showing the best of her body meeting his sight. “What?” she smirked. “Don’t speak like that to me Elizabeth, stop it.” He ordered. She laughed out coldly. “Oh yeah, what are you going to do? Curse me?” She asked, trying to make him lose his temper. He dragged her closer to him, only inches apart from her face and said slowly. “Don’t push me.” She laughed as he was the most funniest thing in the world and shoved him away. There were no more meetings, at least not for him.

 Several months later in the middle of the summer’s holyday there was a knock on his door, waking him up from his sleep. In annoyance he made his way towards the door and opened. “What?” He barked. Elizabeth stood there, shivering. Tears were all around her face and she looked…scared. “Get lost!” He yelled and slammed the door shut. She knocked desperately at the door. “Please let me in? Severus? Please?” Her voice at the edge of a breakdown. There were no chance in hell he would help her, at least not after all what she had done to him over the years.

“Shut up!” He barked from inside and walked back to his bead in his childhood home. Elizabeth sank to the ground and leaned her head at the wall, her body still shivering. She had been crying most parts of the night and she began again. For the first time in her life she was scared. She brought her knees up to her chest and tried to keep the feelings inside.

“Please just listen.” She whispered into the nightly summer’s air. Even thought it was summer, the night was cold and she began to freeze. Trying to keep the warmth inside with tucking her expensive traveling cloak  further around her.

‘Oh god dame it!’ Snape cursed silently and made his way down the stairs. Opening the front door and finding Elizabeth sleeping up against the wall. Gently shaking her awake and leading her into his warm house. Her hands were ice cold and her juicy lips blue. “Here.” He said placing a cup of hot tea in her hands. He took the chair opposite her at the kitchen table and looked at the lost figure in front of him. She looked so much different. “Now explain yourself, why are you here?” He said coldly. New tears began leaking down her face, not fake ones. These were real, he could see it from the long time of experience he had with people. “He-he k-killed-“ She trailed off, talking about the Dark Lord.

“Yes?” Snape asked. She swallowed and looked into his dark oblivion eyes. “He k-killed twelve boys, they were only eleven. It was because it was the beginning of a new year. I never thought he would actually go this far.” She began trembling again. “I-I don’t want to be a part of it anymore.” She said after a while shaking.”He’ll kill me.” She whispered. Snape knew she was right, from betrayal, yes she would suffer death.

“Why should I help you?” He asked coldly. Remembering all the times she had tortured him with making fun of him in front of everyone, making him feel useless. “I-I-“ She trailed of and looked down in shame. Finally realizing that the things she had done was wrong. “I don’t know.” She finally said, closing her eyes and letting the last tear fall down.

It became silent before Snape got up. “You can sleep at the couch.” He said coldly and with that he made his way back to his bedroom. Elizabeth made her way to the sitting room, seeing a small couch by the fire place. The room was decorated with dreary furniture and had an air of neglect. But it was warm. She sank down on the couch and tucked the old brown blanket around her. She lay there, listening to all the sounds in the house and looking into the flames from the fireplace.


Okay, I hope you liked it!! A bit different than what I usually write:D Enjoy!!!:D

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