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Elizabeth was waiting outside Dumbledore’s office, Snape and the headmaster had talked for quite some time. She felt nervous; she hadn’t been here since she was young. Before she had been so stupid and joined the Dark Lord. Somehow the former things she stood for wasn’t that important anymore. Sighing she sat down on the stone floor in front of the large gargoyle. She had been instructed to wait outside. Elizabeth brought her knees up to her chest and leaned her head at them thoughtfully. She was scared, not only for her life, but for The Dark Lord. The things he had done were…inhuman.

Suddenly her view was blocked by a black cloak. She looked up to see Snape glaring down at her. “You may enter.” He spoke coldly. She got to her feet and made her way up the moving staircase. “Ms. Taylor.” Dumbledore spoke, he didn’t seem happy to see her. He gestured towards a stool in front of his desk and she took it, her legs feeling rather tired.

“You have a chance to explain why I should help you.” He said, his voice sounded full of disappointment and disgust towards her. It was the look you never wanted to get from Albus Dumbledore. She looked up at him and opened her mouth to say something, using the skills she had learned from the dark lord to get what you wanted. Using the gift of talking for yourself, twisting the words. But she closed it and looked down. Sighing she said. “I don’t know.” There was so much shame in her voice that it was impossible to be mistaken off. There was silent for a moment before the headmaster spoke. “You can sleep in the hospital wing, before we find you a room.” She looked confused up at him. He didn’t look pleased, but yet he still let her stay. Snape grabbed her arm and leaded her out the office.

The way towards the Hospital Wing went in silence. She had almost forgotten how truly amazing this castle was. “Oh I remember that one.” She mumbled to herself, looking at a man with short bear and a sword in his right hand. Wearing a medal around his neck. The Hospital Wing was just as she remembered it. She sat down on one of the empty beds and folded her hands in her lap. Snape turned around to leave, but Elizabeth stopped him. “Severus?” He turned around, meeting her eyes. “Thank you.” He didn’t reply, only turned on his heel and left.

“Do you believe her?” Snape was in Dumbledore’s office. The man was quite, admiring the Phoenix feather on his quill. “I am not sure, she looked-“ He trailed off. “Scared” Snape stated for him and Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully.

In the mean time Elizabeth was lying in the hospital bed. Her thoughts preoccupied. She was looking up at the sealing, listening to any small sounds. The room was dark, but the light from the shining moon through the windows made it possible to see. Giving up she swung her feet out of the bed and made her way out of the silent hospital wing. She wandered the school grounds of Hogwarts at night. The thing she had done so many times before when she was younger. Except then her mind was filled with the brilliant ideas of the Dark Lord. But now this dark secret was hanging over her instead.

She wandered if the secret place she had with her friends was still here. The friends she had left, when she joined the Dark Lord. It was hidden in the Slytherin common room, behind the fireplace. She still remember how they had found it, and how they had used it as their own hiding place over the years. To be alone and talk in private.

Making her way down the corridors she lit her wand and tried to be as soundless as possible. She entered the Slytherin common room, greeting the Portrait hallo. Who without difficulty allowed her inside without a password. The room was comfortable, decorated with green walls and the only light came from the reflection of the moon in the water.

She walked over to the fireplace and bent down to stroke the inside of the fireplace, finding the switch. With a click the secret door opened and she entered. The door closed safely behind her. There was a small room, filled with soft pillows. Old Chocolate Frog boxes was still lying on the floor and she saw a picture of her and her three other friends hanging on the wall. Holding arms around each other and laughing their heads of a joke they already had forgotten by the time they were finished taking it.

She sat down on one of the soft pillows and stared at it, until she finally fell asleep. Thinking about her old days, oh how she wished she could just go back. She woke up early that morning with a gasp. Sitting straight up she realized she had fallen asleep. She hurried out the door to find Snape standing in the middle of the common room, waiting for her. He had his arms crossed, a smirk playing on his lips. “Had a good night?” He said evilly, obviously enjoying the moment. But easily let his smirk fall and turned on his heel. “Dumbledore is waiting for you.” He growled from behind. Sighing she made her way up the many stairs to Dumbledore’s office.

She knocked tree times before there was a low “Enter” from the inside. Dumbledore as usual was sitting behind his desk. “Ms. Taylor.” He said in the same tone he had used before. Making her already broken self esteem sink. She swallowed and sat down, feeling rather tired. “First of all I must say that I am not very pleased about you wandering the halls at night, especially in the position you are in.” He said. “It won’t happen again.” She said in a small tone.

“Now if you would care to tell me your story.” He said. She swallowed and brought her knees up to her chest, encircling them and taking a deep breath.  “It happened a couple of months ago, we were…” When she had finished her story Dumbledore looked at her for a few moments. She had to bite her tongue not to let the tears float again. Yet her eyes became blank. “I am scared.” She said after a while, her voice at the edge of a breaking.

“There is a position free in Charms, if you want the job it is yours.” He said. It made her look up in surprise. “You are offering me a job?” She gaped at him, her mouth literally hanging open. “Our charms professor has unfortunately left his position and I now need someone to replace him with.”

He got up from his stool and looked down at her over his glasses. “But believe me when I say, I don’t want you to misuse the opportunity I am giving you. I won’t think twice about banishing you from the ground.” He said. Elizabeth nodded and leant back in his stool, still holding around her knees. “Sir, do you think that you can ever forgive me for the things I have done?” She said.

“Professor Snape will show you to your room.” And without answering her question she was dismissed. Finding herself outside Dumbledore’s office. “Come with me.” Snape spoke and she fallowed. He led her into the charms classroom where they first entered her new office. Behind a portrait who needed a password were a medium sized room. Decorated with a double sized bed, a couch, fire place, a dresser and a bathroom. Snape didn’t say anything before leaving her alone. Sighing she took of her cloak and landed on the bed. She wondered if the Dark Lord would know she had betrayed him by now. Yet she couldn’t help the feeling of anxiousness.

The next day she entered the library and barrowed all the books of useful Charms. Sitting deeply emerged with her nose up in the book in the middle of the library. There was a; “Ehm.” Making her jump. In front of her was the librarian Madam Pince. “Dinner is ready.” She said, with a sour, strict tone. Elizabeth got up from her seat, buried in books, but as she was about to close the book she was reading, a note caught her eye.

"A warning: If you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards this book, the consequences will be as awful as it is within my power to make them."

Elizabeth smiled of her threat, remembering how good it was to be back.

Elizabeth Taylor (Harry Potter FF)Where stories live. Discover now