• Starvation •

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{ t h i r t y }

It's been seven hours since Melanie's been in surgery. Nurses nor doctors have said anything.

"Tony. You should get some rest. You want a drive home?" Her dad asked me. I declined the offer and smiled.

"No thank you. I want to stay here." I replied. A doctor stepped out with a sour face and I knew this couldn't be good.

Mr. Fuentes got up, the doctor said something quietly, but I couldn't hear it. His eyes filled with tears. Her dad put his hands in front of his mouth and sat down with tears running down his face.

"What happen?!" I yelled. He removed the hand from his mouth and it revealed a smile. "She made it through the surgery, and they're bringing her back to her room. They're not taking her off life support." He replied.

"We're gonna be able to see her in a few hours." He added. As Smile took over my expression and became the only one for a couple of hours.

I turned to Cat and she had the brightest smile on her face. I ran towards her, and hugged her tightly. "I told you she'll be okay." She whispered as she put her chin on my shoulders.

"Thank you Cat." I whispered back. I let her go and saw Mr. Fuentes crying with tears of joy.

"Mr. Fuentes ? Melanie is able to be visited now. She's still under the coma, but she is much more responsive." A nurse said.

"Thank you." I whispered. As I looked up to the sky out the window. Mr. Fuentes motioned Cat and I to follow him to the room.

We arrived to the room and Melanie was lying there again. Sleeping, unconscious, and holding on for her life.

I'd give anything to trade places with her, but I can't. And it sucks.

I really expected to be celebrating our one month anniversary today, but she's still not awake and it killed me slowly.

I grabbed her fragile hand, and it was cold. As if she was dead. I put my ear to her chest and heard her heart beating, and it made my eyes tear up.

Knowing she's still alive, but she can't do anything about it.

"Melanie, if you hear me. Please squeeze my hand baby. Please?" I whispered. Melanie's hand didn't move.

It made me lose hope. And it killed me greatly.


Everyone, but me, went home to sleep. I didn't want to risk Melanie waking up, and me not being there.

I laid beside Melanie, wishing she was awake with me. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a text from my mom.

Mom - hey, how is she ?

Me - still asleep mom .

Mom - give her a kiss for me . Try coming home for a little I have some news I want to tell you .

Me - okay mom see you tonight .

Mom - bye babe .

I locked the phone and looked down at Melanie. "I wish you could hear me right now." I sighed.

"You'd probably jump because my voice is partially gone." I chucked. "And I'm talking to you, but you can't hear me. At least I hope you can't." I added.

I sighed and kissed her forehead. "Have a goodnight babe. I'll see you later." I whispered as I lay up and left the room.

I walked into the elevator and caught a bus home. I opened the front door of the house and my mom and her boyfriend were sitting on the couch holding hands.

My mom grew a smile on her face as she saw me walk through the doors. I sat down and smiled at Bryan, my moms boyfriend.

Unlike my other stepdad, Bryan is really nice.

"Hi, Bryan." I greeted him. "Hello Tony. How are you bud?" He asked.

"Well, my girlfriends in a coma, so I can't say that I'm well. You?" I replied. "I'm doing quiet great myself thank you. And I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend." he added.

"So what's the news?" I asked. They both smiled and looked at each other and they turned back to me .

"Well................. I'm ........ Pregnant!" My mom yelled. My hearts started racing and racing.

I stood up and hugged my mom. "Congratulations mom!" I yelled.

"Thanks babe." She thanked.

"When are you due?" I asked. "October 8th." She replied. I let go of my mom and she had a smile on her face, so did I.

My phone rang and I looked down. It was from Melanie?!

I opened the message and saw it was from Mike. Her brother.

Mike - get down here now.

I locked the phone and looked at my mom. "I'm sorry mom, I gotta go. They need me at the hospital." I said as I put my jacket back on and headed out the door.

I sat down at the bus stop and waited. A man walked up and sat beside me.

*man sighs* "cold night huh?" He asked. I turned and saw his face. Which was quiet familiar.

He turned to me and a blank expression took upon his face. "Hey. Your that kid. That I help right?" He asked.

Bold is guy ; regular is Tony .


"How is she?"

"She's been in a coma right now. I'm actually headed to go see her."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No. If it weren't for you. She wouldn't be alive. I was to scared and shocker to even pick up the phone to call. Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome."

"Wait. You were in California when that happen. And so were we. How did you manage to find me again at a bus stop in a different state?"

He grew a nervous look on his face and I grew suspicion.

"Let's not worry about that. How is she?"

"I already told you. She's in a coma." I muttered back. He started to sweat like if he were on to something.

"Ah this is my bus. See ya." He said as he jumped on the bus and left.

What the fuck is going on?

Lost It All [1/5 Tony Perry series]Where stories live. Discover now