• Breathe Me •

540 21 10

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"Today's the day." I mutter as I climb from my bed. I pull my head from my hoodie and watch myself in the mirror.

I'm Melanie Joyce Hernandez. I'm 15 years old.

I am originally from Washington, but my dad decided that he was tired of 'wasting so much money just to keep me in sports.' We always play against Texas and it's always hosted there, so we decided to be the team that loses I guess.

Softball always seemed like a really busy outlet for me. I've been playing ever since I was nine, but I quit for a while after my mom died. When I turned eleven I started again.

I haven't played since last season due to a leg injury I got in a state championship game, it sucked, but I got a lot of recognition because I scored the winning home run. When I slid to home base, I slid in a way that my leg broke.

I ended up being put out the rest of the season and I was put in the cities news paper. It was pretty boring on the days I would miss a game, but after a while my coach let me sit with the other girls again. I'm always looked up to since most of the varsity team is juniors and seniors.

I was actually the only freshman on their team, so a lot of people admired me for my talent of the game. My coach from my old school recommended me to the coach at my new school so I'm in the girls varsity team again.

Currently, I'm not where I want to be. Abusive father, drug addicted brother, and a locked up sister. I actually haven't seen her since I was ten. Shortly after my mom died, she became very bad and just destructive.

One day she told me to stay home from school and that she had some business to do and she wouldn't be able to pick me up. In result, a policeman was knocking my door asking if my mom or dad was home. She had killed someone.

From that point on , my dad always told me that I would end up like my sister one day if I didn't get my act together. Before I turned fourteen my dad was a very pleasant man. He was never rude or drunk or abusive. At least not to me.

I grabbed my jeans and shirt on my way up to the restroom and when I finally finished changing, I started my makeup.

(Cover photo)

"Hurry up!" My dad yelled as he banged the door causing me to mess up on my mascara.

"Damn it." I mutter under my breath. I grab a tissue and take off the messed up part. My dad and I haven't been on the best of terms lately due to me lying to him. He acts like I killed someone.

Once I finished my makeup, I went downstairs to get my monster and bag of chips. "Fat ass." My big brother muttered in my face. I sighed and tried to ignore him. Sometimes he can be really cool, but other times he's a complete dick.

"Lets go." My dad muttered as he pulled me from my chair. I shoved my bag of chips into my bag and kept the monster in my hand. I don't really talk to my dad a lot anymore. We kind of fell off somewhere along the road.

He pushed me outside and my stupid brother followed. I opened the door and sat down inside the car waiting for my dad to get in. My brother sat in the front and got to choose the music. Which makes me go deaf. So I put my headphones back and ignore them.

I put my head back and began to feel the car moving. I started to drift to sleep as I felt a hard hand slap my leg. "Wake up we're here." My brother muttered.

He got out the car and kind of avoided me. I climbed out the car and started to drink some of my monster. I headed to the office and got my schedule fixed and ready for class. A student aide helped me to all my classes and first period had started.

I had ;

Chemistry - 206b
Algebra ll - 507c
English Literature - 108a
Theater Arts - 207c
Advisory/activity - 203b
World History - 702b
Athletics - football field/gym

I'm currently in Advisory, getting ready to go to lunch. I made a friend, her name is Cat. She's a very sweet blue headed girl. My class was lining up to go to lunch and I was in the front of the line.

"So where did you come from?" Cat asked as she patted my back. "Washington." I replied as I sighed. She nodded and smiled. Cat was a really outgoing girl and she was really friendly, but she says she doesn't have any friends.

She actually confessed that I was the first person to talk to her without her saying the first greet. I felt bad when she said that, and to be honest she's a really good friend.

She's smart, pretty, outgoing, and a lot of other things. She had light blue hair, snakebites, and she was skinny. In my opinion she is a beautiful person.

I was turning a corner, just as this guy bumps right into me and drops his drink on the floor. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" I say as I help him clean up the drink. He looks at me and blushes.

"It's okay. I'll buy another one." He says quietly and almost soundless. He shook his head lightly and continues to walk off. I look back at Cat and she has a smirk on her face.

"What?" I ask with confusion. She shakes her head and giggles. "Just got here and you already got attention from one of the cutest guys in this school." She jokes. I drop my jaw and shake my head.

"! I just dropped his drink." I yelled back with a laugh. We made it to the lunch room and sit down at the table assigned to our class. "Are you gonna eat?" Cat asks. I shake my head and pull my bag of chips out my bag with my monster.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She says as she takes off to the line. I feel something touching my hair and I turn around and see my stupid big brother. "You're eating lunch by yourself fat ass?" He laughs.

"My friend is in line, but I don't see any of your friends." I mutter back to him. He turns red and sits back in his seat. It feels good to prove him wrong or embarrass him.

"I'm back." Cat says as she puts her plate on the table. We talked about us and our back stories of our lives. We talked about anything that just came to mind.


"Alright ladies. Get changed and meet me out in the field in ten minutes! I am timing you. ." My coach says.  I look over at Cat who is taking off her pants and putting on her clothes for softball. I change and Cat and I walk out together to the field.

Once class is over, we got back in and I take a shower before changing back into my regular clothes. The bell rings and my coach comes inside passing everyone a paper. "We have a game in three weeks. Be ready. It's over at Clifton High in Lubbock. Have your parents or guardians sign this and bring it back by next Thursday."

Cat and I walk back into the building and walk towards the busses. "What bus you ride?" she asks as she looks on my schedule. She finds it and smiles as she looks up to me.

"We have the same bus." Cat jumps up and down. She grabs my hand and guides me to the line for our bus and I see the guy I ran into earlier. I glance at him and turn back to Cat who is talking.

"-I don't see why you wouldn't feel anything towards him." She laughs. "I mean he's cute, but isn't he an upperclassman?" I ask. She shakes her head and giggles.

"He's a sophomore like us."

"He's gorgeous isn't he?" Cat adds.

"He... sure is."

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