"She's a nice girl." I state. "Don't hurt her."

If I wasn't so sure then if Lilth liked me or not I'm absolutely sure that she hate my guts right now. Her eyebrows furrow in anger as she tries to control her actions. She bawls her fist before whispering, "Don't bring up things you don't understand."

"What is there not to understand?" I push with confusion and a hint of anger. Margret didn't deserved to be played with. My father and I already used her once. I didn't want her to go through that again. Lilth steps closer and she's taller and this makes her look intimidating but I don't back down. "Leave it alone."

It's a threat but I shrug it off.

"Don't hurt her." I hiss before walking away into the main room to see Margret asleep on the couch with a blanket thrown over her body. I sit next to her and she groans before lifting up. I smile her way and she pulls me into a tight hug. "You're better." She say before laying her hand on my forehead. I roll my eyes. She will never stop being a doctor. I glance at the cut on the side of her neck and scoot away. Afraid of my actions.

"I'm sorry." I say. "For attacking you."

Margret squeeze my fingers. "It's not your fault." She then pull me into a hug before kissing my forehead. I hear something creak behind us. I pull back and whisper. "We should stop before your girlfriend kill us." I could smell her and hear the low growl that is released underneath her breath.

I was certain Lilth wanted my guts in the palm of her hand now.

Margret looks behind my shoulder and she makes eye contact with Lilth before looking back at me. I laugh when I hear Lilth storm away.

"How did you know?" She questions with a blush.

"When I get a taste of someone blood. I can also get a glimpse of their memories." I explain. "And sometimes even their future." I shift uncomfortable because I didn't like the fact that I could tap into people personal thoughts.

"That is fascinating." Margret say.

I shrug my shoulder. Margret smiles softly and squeeze my hand. "Everything is going to be better now."

"How?" I question. "It will never be the same."

Margret shake her head. "You cannot let your brother win."

"I know." I say. "I won't." I chew on my bottom lip before whispering. "I refuse." Margret give my hand another squeeze before she stand and stretches. She leaves me to go freshen up and I sit on the couch and think of our next move. I didn't have a plan. How would I get access to the corporation? I couldn't get close to my brother no matter how hard I tried. He had too many resources.

Heavy boots catches my attention and I stand at the unfamiliar noise. The boot was too loud for it to be Zillah it was someone heavier....Ashes? I arch my eyebrow and growl underneath my breath. Ryker step through the threshold behind him and lastly Nyx. I bawl my fist and step forward to attack but Ashes step in front of me.

My fangs emerges and I knew my orbs was glowing slightly. My hand reaches out quickly and grasp Nyx by the throat. Ashes tries to stop me but I push him out of the way. Nyx doesn't fight back and I push her back into the wall violently.

"Tell me why I shouldn't break your neck?" I hiss.

Nyx looks at me her eyes calm and it only pisses me off even more. I pull my hand back to smack her across the face. I wanted to see blood. I wanted to see her hurt. She didn't deserve to be here. Why were they all here? I didn't care at the moment I just wanted to see her blood dripping from her face. Before, I could hit her someone was grabbing my hand. "Stop." I growl at the voice. I roll my eyes and snatch away from Zillah.

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