Chapter 9

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"What does she want?" demanded Astaria.

Both Ruby and Dr. Merlan started at Astaria's outburst, Dr. Merlan looking as though Astaria had just told him to eat dung.

"I," spluttered Dr. Merlan, "I—I'm not the Queen! Her Majesty has her own things to say." He scowled at Astaria, taking in her dirty cotton dress, her pale peaky complexion, her hostile glare. "But what she has to tell Miss Ruby will undoubtedly be of the utmost importance, and I'm afraid you'll have to—"

"I'm not leaving her," said Astaria. Her hand tightened around Ruby's.

"You have to. Her Majesty—"

"—will not involve my daughter in any more of this insanity." Astaria swept forwards, glaring directly into Dr. Merlan's blue eyes. "You must know that no mother would ever leave her daughter willingly in such a situation."

Dr. Merlan glared at her. "You must also know that Queen Reinevra is the most important Fae in the Upper Land."

"No, she isn't," said Astaria simply. "Ruby is. My daughter is." Pride burned in her sherry eyes, passion and protection and love.

Shock throbbed inside Ruby's chest, expanding through her body in tingling white waves. Her mother had just claimed her to be more important than Queen Reinevra. Queen Reinevra, who had maintained the peace treaty with the Giants for so long. Queen Reinevra, who had abolished the slave system. Queen Reinevra, undoubtedly one of the greatest Faekind Queens to grace to the Upper Land. And Ruby, in Astaria's eyes, was more important than her.

For a few moments, nobody spoke a word.

Then the door flew open, followed immediately by a blur of embroidered gold silk and flaming auburn hair.

Queen Reinevra swept into the room. "Ruby—"

Then she stopped and tilted her head, her tiara shimmering as it listed to one side.

Astaria glared at the Queen,seething with fury as she wrapped her hand around Ruby's.

"Hello, Astaria," said the Queen.

"Oh, no trumpets to announce your presence this time?" mocked Astaria.

Dr. Merlan's face paled to the same shade of white as the walls as he bent downwards into a bow in an attempt to veil Astaria's rudeness. Hurriedly, Ruby knelt into a curtsy.

Astaria, however, remained standing.

"You may stand," said the Queen, sounding more than a little tired with the courtesy. Dr. Merlan slowly raised his head up. "Doctor, you are dismissed. Thank you."

"Yes, yes, absolutely!" Dr. Merlan disappeared back into the lab, no doubt to prepare Ruby's clone.

"Astaria," said the Queen slowly, "if you could—"

"Leave her?" demanded Ruby's mother. "You're asking me to leave her?"

Queen Reinevra raised one eyebrow coldly. "Yes, long story short. I do want you to leave Ruby. I need to talk with her."

"You'll have to include me."

Ruby stared at her mother and the Queen, galled by Astaria's refusal. She may not think Queen Reinevra is the most important Fae, but she's still our Queen! Mother, you have to

"I command you to leave," said Queen Reinevra, voice clipped. Her golden eyes glittered in the harsh white light of the lab. "Lady Astaria. Please do remember that I am your superior."

Astaria glared at the Queen, then gave Ruby's right hand a squeeze. 

"Very well," said Astaria. She turned to Ruby. "Just remember, Ruby, that I'm your mother, and that I'll love you no matter what. And when you're feeling lost, hopeless, like nothing's going to work out correctly...remember who you are."

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