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     There's a little girl. Her eyes have been removed and blood is seeping from the sockets.
   "Help me, I can't see!" She screams. Across her forehead there is one word: SOCIETY. The images continue on again. An Ouija board is laid out on a table and the person hold the pointer is screaming. Again the images flash. The viewer can barely make out the images but she catches a pentagram on fire and an axe going through a skull.
    "MOMMY!" The young witch screams. The door slams open and soon enough the 4 year old is scooped up in the mother's arms.
    "It's okay," the mother soother her child, "let your mind rest and the images will stop." The witch did as she was told and soon enough the images stopped. She started crying. "Shhh, shhhh. It's okay," the mother started rubbing the toddler's back, "everything will be okay, Nyx."

    Nyx knew how to control her visions, but this one was different. She finally decided who's screams she was hearing: her mother's. No, Nyx thought, she can't be...

    Nyx opened her eyes and found herself slumped up against the mahogany walls. She stood up and continued her journey to the Head Mistress's office. The small waiting area, double doors, and waiting room was enough to tell Nyx that this was an important place, but the knowledge of the person inside made her stand straighter as she entered.
     "Head Misstres, you asked to see me. I am Nyxella Peters," Nyx said in a comfortable tone. She was used to saying things she wasn't confident in, yet making it seem so.
    "Yes, I did." Miss Louis was looking out of her grand window behind her white desk. The few pictures on the walls were all of one girl who's identity remained a mystery. Miss Louis turned around, expecting to see a frightened young girl, but she always seemed to forget that was never the case with Miss Peters. "I heard that you've been doing well in all of your classes." That was one of the many things Nyx didn't use magic for. If there was one thing she valued more than her ancestry, it was knowledge.
   "I think I have."
   "Yes, you have excelled in all of your core subjects and PE. What remains to be your strongest subject, however, is art. Do you by chance remember the test I had you take 3 weeks ago? I had it sent to your home room."
   "Yes, Ma'am."
   "That test was to see if you are an art protégé, which you are in fact." Nyx had always had a suspicion. She taught herself everything she knows and was always better than her teacher, until this year. Mrs. Heala was her art teacher and always seemed to push Nyx harder than the rest of the kids. Maybe this was why. She saw something in Nyx.
   "Really?" Nyx asked.
   "No need to be humble. If I had your skill I would graphiti houses and write you're welcome on the bottom." Miss Louis paused, then added, "Not that you should do that."
   "I highly doubt that you brought me down here to talk about my artistic ability."
   "No, actually. We were doing dorm sweeps and found this under your mattress." Miss Louis held out a pentagram necklace. "This is an unholy symbol. I will not except this in my school." Nyx was amazed at how quick her tone could change moods.
   "It's not mine." Nyx lied.
   "Oh really?"
   "No it's Helena's" Sorry, Helena, Nyx thought. "She is always going on about witches and how she can ride a broom. She threatened me with a knife after I found the necklace. She said that if I went to the authorities that she would kill me."
   "I've met Helena Young, she does not seem the type." Miss Louis wasn't  buying it. "You see, I have learned that you are a special girl. Gretchen Parker's cat died 3 years ago and yet somehow you revived it. After a past teacher of your's said that all the real witches of Salem should burn her clothes caught on fire. These all seem very strange."
    "She was a smoker and must've had ashes on her dress. Gretchen's cat was young and my brother taught me how to give someone CPR and that's what she needed."
    "Nyx, I know how to tell when someone's a witch. I am a spirit, and I'm on your side. Your parents know me, they made a deal with me and agreed to release me." Nyx was taken aback.
   "Wha- what..?" She stuttered.
   "I wanted to tell you that you should make more of an effort to hide your stuff, because next time I don't think Diana will bless you again and have me be the one to find it. Do you understand?"
   "Yes Ma'am."
   "Good, now you may continue laughing at society's view of you."

1. a woman thought to have evil magic powers. Witches are popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat, and flying on a broomstick.
synonyms:    sorceress, enchantress, necromancer

"How did you...?"
"I am a spirit. I am everywhere."

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