Everything was quiet until the lights flickered on and then off again. I turned on alert towards the light switches, but nobody was there. Thinking it was a random light fixture glitch I faced forward again and sat in my original silence.

Then it flickered a few more times at a faster speed. I stood up and looked at it confused. I eyed the switch on the wall when it started to flicker without any signs of stopping.

But then I understood what was happening. Lucifer was about to make an appearance because I was alone.

I jumped over the rows of seats in a large speed, and I started screaming for help so somebody would come and accompany me. The lights burst from the constant flickering, and I finally made it out of the room with my ice pack in hand. My heart was hammering from fear as I tried to catch my breath. The hall I was in had multiple worried people who were giving me concerned looks.

"Miss. Matthews, are you alright?" An older man asked cautiously. I hesitated before answering with a nod.

"Y-yeah, sorry."

"What happened?"

"J-just some mind trickery from my kidnapping. Sorry for bothering you-"

"No problem at all. You didn't feel safe, and we want to make sure you always do, since you are our future Luna." A woman told me with a smile. I nodded and gave the best smile I could.

"Thanks." I started towards the living room, but somebody grabbed my arm. It was Drew, but he sported no Mandy beside him.

"The girls need to see you. They've been miserable." He told me in a serious tone. I nodded, suddenly remembering them.

"Can I visit them tomorrow?" I asked, and he gave me a little disappointed look, but nodded anyway.

"Yeah, I'll tell them you need more rest."

"Thanks." I turned, but looked at him again. "Please don't tell Chase about what happened?" I gave him a hopeful look, but he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Sorry, Cassy, but considering what we just had you through I better inform him about everything that happens. It's so it won't happen again, and so that you will be okay permanently."


"I know how he will get, but it's for the best."

"Fine." I turned sharply and decided to just go to my room, since I knew Chase would be there and I would be safe in someone else's presence. Everyone is pissing me off lately, though.

When I walked in I spotted Chase was sitting at his desk. He looked exasperated with the multiple stacks of papers on his desk as he tried to figure it out.

"Hiding from me?" He asked without looking up. He sounded a little mad, but I ignored his moodiness.

"Maybe." I went to my closet and looked for comfortable clothes like pajamas. I could hear his phone erupt in noise as he started receiving a call. I thanked the universe for this great timing as I grabbed a large shirt of Chase's and leggings. I turned and checked to see Chase wasn't looking and started striping quickly.

"What?!" Chase exclaimed and I flinched in surprise. "Alright, I'll talk to her....Bye." Oh god, it was about me, that won't be good.

Just before Chase turned around I barely pulled up my leggings. My cheeks still flushed, even though he didn't see my undergarment.

"Why didn't you first tell me about what just happened in the theatre room?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, close to his desk, and gave him a whiny face.

"Can we not do this now?" I complained, and he stood up, walking over and sitting next to me. Surprising me because of his current mood, he pulled me in a hug and we laid down next to each other.

"I need you safe, Cassy."

"I know-"

"He told me you said it was just hallucinations from the kidnapping, but I know you better."

"I just didn't want them worried about me. They're already worried enough about their future Luna. Plus they don't need to be involved in my issues."

"So what did happen?" He asked, and I told him, even my suspicions of Lucifer. He stayed silent for a few minutes before replying.

"I don't want you alone."

"Yeah, I'll stay by someone-"

"No, Cassandra, you don't understand." I sat up and looked at him confused. "You will have to be by my side, or somebody I trust like your friends or Drew or Hunter, and that is not up for argument." He sat up and walked over to his desk.

"Wait, what if I need to shower or use the bathroom?"

"I'll be in the bathroom, but nobody else will. If I'm not available, don't go at all."

"Woah, I'll relieve myself when I need to-" he turned and looked at me, his eyes turning a dark black.

"If I'm not available you don't go at all." He said with his jaw set. I glared at him, but he ignored it and sat down, working on his papers again. I groaned and rolled onto the bed.

Stupid Chase. Stupid Lucifer. Stupid powers. Stupid Hell. Stupid destiny.


Sorry for bad ending and late update, but lately I haven't been feeling good :\

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