9. Daydreamer

Beginne am Anfang

"Now you know your brother would blow up on both of us and I'm happy he's occupied with that girl so he can't see us" he said bringing me closer to him. We started laughing because we knew Kayvon wouldn't let him talk to me. "Oh so you scared of my brother now?" I said laughing and leaning on him. His face turned straight and it made me laugh even harder.

I mean he is cute and I'm cute. I'm single and well he's single. What do I have to lose? It's not like I'm gonna get in trouble by anyone except Kayvon and I'm grown as hell so he can't whoop me. "Don't play with me your brother doesn't put fear in my heart I just respect him and you" he said biting his lip when he said the last word.

He's so damn fine I can't help but wanna give it all away. I just got to calm down because he's my brothers friend but shit I don't care. I'll risk getting Kayvon mad at me for his fine ass. "Well if you respect me so much you'll ask him for my number" I said playing with him and he could tell I was being childish. He was about to walk away but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

"Boy don't walk away from me" I said moving towards him. He smacked his lips and folded his arms like a big ass kid. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pouted my lips out. "Come on now don't do that shit" he said rolling his eyes. I burst into laughter at him being so damn bratty.

"Alright boy I'll give you my number I don't see why when I see you all the time" I said taking out my phone. He snatched it out my hand and opened it. I went in his pocket to grab his phone. "You keep searching you gone find more than my phone" he said smirking at me. I blushed and grabbed his phone and slid my hand across his crotch.

He wasn't the biggest in the world but I haven't seen it so I don't know how it really is. I unlocked his phone and went to his messages. I don't know why it was like my instinct to do it. I didn't see anything but text messages from Kayvon, him mom, his sisters and cousins.

I then saw a conversation from a number I recognized.

Me : Yo I wanna ask out Kenyamo you think your boy gone be cool with it?"

J. :"Hell no he won't be cool but shit he not with him so fuck it and go for it"

Me : Alright homie bet"

J.: "Be careful"

"What you looking at" he said looming into his phone. I looked at him and he shook his head. I know he not my nigga but I've been hurt too much and I'm not risking another heartbreak. "I'm not mad but who is this if you don't mind me asking" I said and I wish he would tell.me he minds me asking. My name was brought up so it's my concern.

"That was somebody that knew your ex Kenyamo I just didn't wanna cause any trouble trying to get with you don't trip" he said taking his phone out my hand slowly. I sighed and left it alone for now but I swear I knew that number. I won't go off about it now but I think this won't be the last I see of that number.

"Y'all hoes ready" Kayvon said coming towards us. He wrapped his arms around both of us and I nudged him off me. I walked to the register and stood in the line. I was next when I saw this bitch in my face. "Hey umm Kenyamo isn't it?" Variah said smiling at me.

I faked smiled at her and put my clothes down. "Yeah and your Variah" I said smiling at her. She started ringing up my clothes and we made small talk. I wanted to keep the conversation short because I didn't care that much to hold a conversation with her. She was still talking and I nodded the whole time.

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