"Ok guys, seriously. Just because my face is fucked up doesn't mean you don't talk to me" she said angrily, tearing up a little at the same time.

"Sorry Elise" I said on behalf of the girls.

Liv and Matisse then joined us. We all huddled around each other in misery.

"I just want to go back in time and not get as drunk as we did" Liv sighed hopelessly.

"Well I just want to go back in time so I can beat the shit out of those guys" Matisse quietly raged.

Her throat and neck had gotten better, for she didn't have to wear the brace anymore. But the bruising was still very painful for her, and she could only speak in a whisper.

Liv was alright. The gash on her head had healed, but just yesterday she had cut it open again. So she had to get more stitches. 

"I wander where the guys are?" Jem questioned glumly.

"Yeah, we haven't seen them for like... days" I stated curiously, exaggerating a little.

And just before I was about to go on about something else, Matisse spoke up hoarsely, 

"Speak of the devils". 

The guys had just entered our room. And when I say guys I mean, Eric, Jamie, Freddy, Kaden, Edward and Ian. 

They were the only visitors we were allowed to see. 

Basically Jamie was there for Liv, Kaden was there for Jem, Freddy was there for Elise, Edward was there for Matisse, Ian was there for Amy and Eric was there for me

I sprung off of the bed and ran to him, arms open. Well actually, only one arm open.

"Hey" he said softly as he enveloped me into a hug. "Have the nightmares gone away?" he asked in hope. 

"No" I replied spiritlessly. "I had one this morning". 

He looked to the side, glaring. He seemed frustrated. Frustrated because of the nightmares that seemed to be putting me through hell. 

Then he looked back at me. "How's your shoulder doing?" he asked as he pulled back the sling. 

He cringed, just like Amy did. 

"It may look terrible, but it feels a little better" I stated. "Anyway, how come I haven't seen you for a while?" I continued, looking up at him for an answer. 

He looked a little distracted. "Um.. I've been organising a few things". 

"Ok..." I said softly. 

He still looked distracted.

"Lize, I need you to round up the girls" he said urgently. 

I looked at him in surprise but I did as he said. 

I gathered Liv then Jem then Amy. It was hard to pull Elise and Matisse away from Freddy and Edward though. But finally I did.

We all sat on Jem's bed, facing the guys, who were now lined up in front of us. 

"Girls... The boys and I have something to tell you" Eric announced, hands behind his back. He always did this when he had big news to share. 

Eric then surprisingly looked to Edward. 

Edward shared his glance then looked to us. 

"Your test results are back" he said. 

Instantly my heart began to beat faster. Was there something wrong with us? Are the drugs gone?

"We've had confirmation that the drugs are out of each of your systems" he continued, bearing good news. 

Each of us smiled greatly. This was the greatest news we had heard for a long time. For those drugs caused us a lot of pain and suffering. Constantly having to throw up. Blacking out occasionally. Making us hallucinate and forget certain things and more

"Oh my gosh!" Matisse exclaimed as loud as she could. "That's great news". 

"So this means Elise and I can go back to Amity?" Liv questioned in joy. Causing a look of hurt to wipe across Jamie's face. He really liked her and didn't want her to leave him. 

"Yes, you can" Eric answered. 

"And does that mean we can go back to living normally here?" I questioned. Eric nodded. 

Although the lot of them didn't seem happy at all. I could tell they were hiding something. 

"But before you guys go back there is one thing you have to do" Eric started up again. 

We looked at him, frowns on our faces. 

"You have to make an appearance at a trial... At Candor". 

"What!?" Jem practically screamed. 

Amy and I gasped. Liv buried her head into her hands and Matisse and Elise basically sat there outraged, glaring at Eric. 

Eric looked pissed, after witnessing our reactions. We weren't going to cooperate at all.

"You cannot make us go back ther-" I began to speak, before I was cut off.

"What? Don't you want the people who did this to you to be brought to justice?! Because we sure as hell do!" Eric practically raged as he pointed to himself and the other guys. 

We all went silent. Of course we wanted to bring the guys who did this to us to justice. But it wouldn't be that easy for us to just simply head over to Candor and have to see them. 

"You know what I don't care. You will all be joining us at this trial, which is today mind you, and that's final" Eric continued as he walked away. "Before we leave you'll have the opportunity to put some fresh clothes on" he finished as I chased after him. 

I reached him just after he exited the room. 

"Eric, wait up" I called. 

"What?" he viciously pronounced as he spun around to face me. 

I stopped in front of him, I took a breath in then let it out. 

"You aren't getting out of this Lize. You have to be there" he said exasperatedly. 

"That's not what I want to talk about" I quickly replied straight after he finished talking. 

"Well what is it?" he asked seeming exhausted. 

I could see it written all over him. He was tired and angry. He didn't want any of this. It had stressed him out majorly. 

"Eric..." I began. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this". 

"What?" he confusedly asked. 

"Well, this is all my fault. The reason why your stressed and angry is all because of me" I stated sadly. "If it weren't for me drinking too much and letting myself go and not taking your advice and flirting with all those guys-" I rambled on in worry. 

"Eliza" Eric cut me off. 

I stopped and looked at him, almost crying. 

"Do you want me to be honest with you?" he said. 

I was confused and scared. Was he going to break up with me? 

"Yes..." I answered in an un-sure tone as Eric stared into my eyes, ready to answer his question. 

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me". 

Revenge is NearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz