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This is my first book on my page so don't leave mean and rude ass comment cuz I don't stand for it. So if you don't like it don't read it. For those who do like my book thanks for supporting me.

Well today is a shitty day like the rest them.This is my 10th time getting fired for something I didn't really do. So I decided to take a walk in the park. Who doesn't go there to relive their feelings.
As I was walking I saw a crowd in the distance yelling "JUMP HIM. YOU GOT THIS!!" When I heard that I started to run towards the crowd. I don't like people getting jumped for no reason. When I got there I saw a boy on the ground he has some Brownish hair , ripped jeans, Blue shirt, and he had some pale skin. You could notice the bruises and cuts on him cause of how pale he is. I jumped in as soon as possible cause I can't stand letting people get hurt. "HEY BACK OFF OF THIS GUY HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU DID HE?" I asked but when I asked that one guy tried to punch me but I quickly dodge that. "All I wanted was an answer, But now I guess we have to do it the difficult way."
As I was about to punch the living life out of this boy two of my best friends jumped in. Namjoon and Jin.
Hope you enjoy This chapter.
I really don't know what I just wrote but give me suggestions cuz I might write a oneshot with BTS.
Love you all

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