"i'm a horrible person" says Grace looking at the ground. 

"No,you're not...you're just going through a rough patch, that's all" said Mark.

" How is he doing?" asked Grace 

"same as you..." said Mark looking Grace in her eyes. 

Grace felt something inside her die.

"You both will be fine,kiddo" says Mark and pats Grace on her head. 

Meg and Mark didn't know that Zac came to her apartment this morning and said her goodbye. So, Mark and Meg thought they were just  having a rough patch. 

"C'mon...let's go out...I don't wanna be late" says Grace getting off the couch and grabbing the keys of the apartment from her cabinet.

"There's the Grace that i know" says Mark, with a sweet smile. 

Meg soon came out of the washroom. 

"I'm ready...Let's go..." says Meg. 

Mark asked Grace to go first. Grace put on her shades and walked towards the elevator and buzzed. Meg locked the apartment while Mark waited for her. 

Grace stepped inside the elevator and held the left for Mark and Meg. They both walked hand-in-hand. Grace was wearing shades so no one can really tell what was happening inside her as shades are pretty good at covering up everything. 

When she saw Mark and Meg holding hands, she felt bad...not because of them but because she too was happy and was in love with Zac, just like them. 

She ignored her own thoughts and put on a brave face. Her heart was frowning and fading. Her face gleaming and smiling. 

Mark opened the door for Grace and then opened the door for Meg. Grace sat on the back seat while Meg sat beside the driver's seat beside Mark. 

Grace took off her shades and rolled the windows down. the fresh breeze tickling the pores of her skin while Mark drove. It was a fresh morning. Grace just leaned back and rested while the breeze made her skin feel refreshed. They had to stop at the signal. Mark was playing with Meg's hand. He was tickling her plam with his fingers. both giggling. Grace looked at them and smiled and looked outside the window. There she saw a huge banner of Zac's new movie. She pulled up the window and put on her shades. looked the other way. 

Soon they reached the diner. Mark pulled over and opened the door for Meg. She giggled and said thank you. He was about to open the door for Grace too but she said no politely and opened the door for herself. When mark did that stuff for her, It reminded her of Zac. She tried so har to stop her tears but they wouldn't. She covered up her face with her hands for a quick second and pretended that she was doing fine. Meg smiled at Grace. Grace smiled back. Grace took off her shades and walked inside the diner with meg and Mark.

as soon as she entered the diner, the TV  was showing a little program called "Insider" which specialises in celebrity news. 

"...And now we have a eart breaking news for all the Zac Octavia's fans. Apparently, the 25 year old hunk took a little trip to a private island with his girlfriend. Her name is so far not revealed. But we have an exclusive picture of them in a cruise. Apparently, Zac Octavia was left heart-broken when he found out that his girlfriend cheated on him with another man, soon ater the holiday...which sucks be-" said the news and Mark turned off the TV.

"i got your back,kid" says Mark assuring.

Grace just smiles and looks at the ground while Meg was ordering food for them. 

Grace felt bad as the news was reporting fabricated story. None of it was true but what can be true about a glamour world? she thought.  She sat on a table by herself ,while Mark and Meg were giggling at the counter. Ordering and paying.  Soon, a bunch of teen girls came down to that diner in their fancy dresses and their designer shoes. Looking like teen divas. They sat next to Grace's table. All those teens aged between 14-17. So overwhlemingly indulged in the fashion,style and make-up world, that Grace looked plain beside them. The generation gap never looked so real. 

"OMG, I can't believe that Zac Octavia's girlfriend broke up with him, That's so ratchet!" says one teen.

"Well, She didn't break up with him, he broke up with her. He is so hot, he deserves way better" said another teen. 

Suddenly, Grace paid attention to their conversation, not looking at them directly but still...looking at the ground. 

"You guys, He broke up with her because she is a cheater!" said another teen.

"She WHAT?!" screamed another teen.

'She cheated on him? That little slut!" said another teen. 

Grace just smiled to herself and looked outside the window and thought to herself. "How elegant!" and smiling to herself. 

How I Love You (Zac Efron & A Non-Famous Girl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя