Chapter 21

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It was a bracelet. Not just any bracelet. Zac, only ordered, one of a kind, white gold bracelet studded with diamonds for his dear Grace.
"Only the best for the best " said Zac looking at Grace.
She smiled at him... She was concerned about how extravagant he is about his gifts and everything. She was worried that he was going over board with the gift. She was worried what if he changed his mind in the future. She knew he loved her but trusting someone was very hard for Grace.
"It sure looks expensive... " said Grace looking at it.
"Grace, Do you like it? I asked the makers to design a unique one especially for you..." says Zac softly trying to ignore her fret over the expense.
"This is extraordinary, I love it...but......." says Grace.
"No "buts". Grace, you deserve the best. You've been taking care of everyone from what I've seen so far. It's time for you to just relax and enjoy the time, as long as you're with me" says Zac looking into Grace's eyes.
"Zac....this is just too much, you know. It's pretty and I love it.I even respect the fact that you must really put so much effort to make this for me but " says Grace
"but what Grace? Asks Zac concerned.
"How are you sure about me? How are you sure that this will last? " asked Grace intently.
"Grace... Can you please, turn around the bracelet? " asks Zac softly.
"Why?"asks Grace as she turns over the bracelet and saw that he engraved a message on it.
Grace was speechless. She couldn't believe what she just read.
We and Us Forever...
read the engravement.
Grace was in tears. She looked at Zac. She was feeling mixed emotions. She was so happy that Zac really loved her to life. She was crying and smiling at the same time.
"Now do you believe that I really love you,Grace? " asked Zac innocently looking at her.
Grace melted and hugged him and cried into his shoulders.
She looked into his eyes.
"I never questioned your love for me... " said Grace.
"Grace, I know that you have trust issues and all... But know that I'd never do anything to betray you and I'll always love you baby... " said Zac swallowing a huge lump in his throat.
His voice was shaking and he was about to cry.
"there is no one for me but you,Grace. I never loved anyone before you. You are my everything. Without you I just cannot.... Live" says Zac pleading her to understand what he felt about her. He cried in front of her silently. He took her hands and rest his face in her palms and cried.

"Oh,you... Come here " said Grace hugging him and comforting him. They both were sitting on the bed now.
"I trust you,Zac... I didn't mean to hurt you." says Grace sweetly trying to make him feel comfortable. She didn't want to hurt him.Then she understood that under all his manly, masculine exterior. There existed a little kid who only wanted someone to love him for what he is and to trust someone to share everything he felt, with that person.
"I'm sorry, Zac... " says Grace feeling guilty for making him cry.
"'s not you. I just felt like opening up... " says Zac looking at Grace with a baby face.
"It's okay, can tell me everything and anything. Trust me..." says Grace kissing his forehead.
"A man cries in front of 3 souls in his entire life. First, God....Second,Mother and third... " says Zac bowing his head in front of her.
Zac was trying to say that he bore his soul to her. He doesn't want his soul back. He knew he was safe with Grace. By bowing his head,he made it clear that she was the most important person in the world to him. He was devoted to her and only her.
Grace hugged him and ran her fingers through his hair. She caressed his hair and looked into his eyes.
"In my case... All these three souls are you " said Zac admitting that she was literally everything he has and everything he needs. In simple words , Grace was Zac's everything. He was that devoted to her and that committed to her.
Grace looked at him wondering what made Zac open up like that.
"Zac....why me?" asks Grace wanting to know why he felt that way about her.
"God gave me a life.... My mom gave birth to me..... I really respect those two souls without question...but...... you.... You gave me a rebirth. You saved me from death. You kept me alive. You keep me alive. Without you,I would have died. Without you,I'd never have a chance at life. How else can I protect my heart than to give it you,who's selfless and showers motherly love?" explained Zac.
Grace never in a million years guessed what and how deeply Zac felt about her and how much he respected her . Each word hit directly to her heart. She knew that she couldn't live without him.but knowing that he couldn't exist without her and knowing that she meant more to him than just a normal love.... She felt blessed. She felt enchanted. She finally understood why she was put in this love him.
Grace was speechless. She just looked at Zac feeling so many waves in the Centre of her heart, rising and falling.
"Oh,Zac!" says Grace looking at Zac completely mesmerized by what he thought of her as.
"I love you Grace.... I will stand by you FOREVER " says Zac Looking into her eyes.
"I promise to love you, forever. My love for you is eternal " says Grace looking into Zac's eyes.

They both Hug and kiss. They lose themselves in each other's embrace. They just hugged. They didn't speak a word. Why speak when your emotions speak for you. Why talk when your silence hits louder than words.

Grace holds Zac's hand and looks into his eyes. Zac takes the bracelet and puts it on Grace's hand. He ties the hook.
"I just want to be with you " says Grace as Zac puts the bracelet on her hand.
He plants a kiss on her palm and kisses her cheek. She smiles and rests her head on his chest. They both lied there, on the bed in each other's arms. They didn't make love. Who'd want to make love when one can give and accept love beyond explanation...beyond expression....
They fell asleep in each others arms like that...

How I Love You (Zac Efron & A Non-Famous Girl)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu