Chapter 1

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I heard the loud noise and opened my eyes. I searched for the phone which was calling loudly the most annoying song I could find. Finally I got it and turned off the alarm, I laid again and looked at the clock. 8am...

" Why I thought plane would be better idea" I complained to myself as I got out of bed.

I threw phone on bed and headed to kitchen. I jumped over packed suitcase which was laying in the middle of my bedroom.

" I should place it somewhere else" I said.

Yes, I did talk to myself. It's becoming normal activity when you live alone. I walked to kitchen and turned on the radio. As I was making myself sandiwches, they played 'Chelsea Smile' so I shaked my butt and sang lyrics. Maybe it's good thing that I live alone? Suddenly I heard my phone ringing, I ran back to my bedroom, luckly jumping over the suitcase and picked up.

"Hiiiii Harleyyyyy"said Benjamin happily.

" Hello my dear best friend " I answered laughing

" I wanted to make sure that you still are coming because you know.... he's been already here. " he whispered the end of sentence

" Yeah, I am coming. I have flight in 1,5 hours so I hope I am coming. " he laughed, it was possible that I am gonna be late. " What's he like? "

" You're gonna find out, my dear. We will be at the airport around 1pm." he hung up.

Thanks Ben that helped a lot. I was bit scared about meeting Denis. I remembered him from one tour in Europe on which his band was supporting one and I was there... as always. But I couldn't say anything about him cuz I had always mistaked him and Kir then. I knew he had amazing voice and was very talented but I was bit terrified anyway. I was scared of people's reaction, writing process, meeting him. I was typical anti- social person. Many people didn't believe in it cuz I always was nice to everybody and went out often but when it came to meeting new people. I was becoming shy, nervous person who never said anything right. I took out from wardrobe black t-shirt in stripes and ripped skinny jeans. I went to bathroom to get ready. I took quick shower and washed my teeth. I looked at the mirror. I had straight, medium lenght, brown hair and dark blue eyes. I had tattoos all over my body, nose ring and many ear rings. I put those on and did little make up. I got suitcase and walked out of apartament. I caught taxi and gave the destination. I looked out of window. I loved living in LA, always warm, mostly nice people, places to hike and the most important beach. When we got to airport I paid and looked at watch. I still had 40 minutes what meant that I could make it. I did all the stuff super fast and at very last minute entered the plane.
I was sitting alone because plane suprisily was almost empty, so I laid all over the seats, put in headphones and fell asleep.
" We are landing in few minutes, please fasten your seatbelts..." stewardessa said and I woke up. I looked out the window and watched as earth was closer and closer.
I should have known the tides are getting higher.
We can still survive.
Asking Alexandria's songs were being played all the flight. To be honest I wasn't their fan because I had to, sometimes I felt like I love their music more than I love them. Happens. When we landed I stood up and got out of plane smiling to stewardessas. I fastly walked to get my luggage and started looking for guys. As I was really small and there were a lot of people I messaged Ben saying to find me. I stood outside exit and started checking all social media.

"Boo!" Ben screamed and pretended to jump on me. I laughed and turned back. I saw James, Sam and Cam standing behind Ben smiling stupidly.

"Hey guys" I said hugging them all. They said that they had missed me and offered to take my luggage, I agreed. I let them be gentelmen. For thirty minutes we have searched for car, because they forgot where it was.

" I see it!" Cam yelled and pointed us " Listen, do we make a race for front seat?"

" I drive " smiled Ben and took my luggage from James. " I am gonna be judge."

" Please don't." I laughed, I really missed them. We stood in one line.

" Ready, dickheads?" asked Ben "Three, two, one...GO!" he screamed and we started our race. I was winning for first few seconds but then James overtook. Then Sam and Cam so I was left as the terrible loser. When I was next to the car, I looked at guys who have been already there, I touched car and screamed " WINNER!".

" No, I won. " said Cam proudly.

"Woah congratulations, giraffe." I smiled. " I am pretty sure it's because of your long legs. " I laughed when he showed me his tongue.

" Who won?" Ben came and asked. We all pointed Cameron who was smiling and waving like queen.
" We are here." Ben said, when he parked the car in garage. I jumped out of car and ran straight to the house.

"SAM!" I yelled calling one of my best friends.

"Ee... she left. She went to the shop. We ran out of milk. "  I heard man's voice with similar accent to mine. Then I saw him. Deep brown eyes, brown hair, handsome face. Oh god, he was so hot. And he was smiling and staring at me. I tried to stay calmed and pretend to behave like his appearance didn't make anything. I smiled back.

"Oh so you found him" Ben came into house. " I didn't know that you couldn't wait so much to see him" Ben giggled and looked at me.

" I searched for Sam..." I started.

" Don't explain yourself, I get it" he said with 'ukrainian accent', winked and left. Denis laughed.

" Is he always like that?" he asked and I nodded. "Anyway.. I am Denis." he came closer.

" I'm Harley." I smiled at him.

" Should I hug you? Or..." he asked shily. I came to him and pulled him into hug. He hugged me back and I completly lost my mind.
Hey, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :) Also big thanks for likes left under earlier chapter, it means a world to me! I know that there are only 2 but I expected 0! Anyway thank you.

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