Chapter Fifty-Nine

Start from the beginning

My adrenaline was at its highest and I wasn't thinking. I couldn't think! I could only act.

I swung my other leg up but it was caught in midair by one of the men who kept my arms pinned to the ground. In my peripheral vision I noticed several figures rapidly approaching. The question was, were they enemies or allies? 

As they neared, I continued to struggle with the men at hand, who were extremely strong and holding me down very well. I attempted to kick my final free limb at them, but it just felt awkward. I couldn't get a good shot! My frustration and stress levels were at their maximums. I was in complete hysteria.

Several other beings met in the small area where we were gathered and gripped my remaining free limbs. I was rendered motionless. 

So they are enemies, I thought fearfully and bitterly. 

I thrashed in all of their vice grasps but it was no use. I was picked up off of the ground and they began carrying me through The First Order's corridors. 

"Ketam. How far are we from the hangar?" I heard a male voice ask. 

Oh, no, I thought with horror, I have to do something. A hangar! They're going to take me away! Abduct me!

I let out a gut-wrenching, headache-inducing scream that echoed throughout the hallways and caused some of the men to cover their ears. This scream was partially voluntary in order to attract attention to me or possibly get help, but it was also involuntary because of my immense terror.

"Remain calm. Silence her, and continue to carry her." An extremely deep voice rang out. I turned my neck at all angles to view what I was dealing with -- I was in the middle of a large group of intimidating, bulky men. I couldn't see the hallway outside of the rows of them. We briskly marched in an unknown direction. I could feel a terrified sweat begin to clot at the top of my forehead.

Suddenly a piece of thick cloth was forcefully shoved into my mouth. I gagged, and then coughed.

After a few thoughtfully strategic moments, I used my tongue to ball the cloth up. My mind was careening through thoughts at full speed. I had no coherent thoughts; I only went through actions. I turned my head to the side and spit the cloth out. Immediately following, I let out another insanely voluminous shriek. 

I was cut off by a sharp kick at my ribs. I winced and finally fell silent -- I didn't know what these people's boundaries were, and I didn't want to test them. I had no interest in finding out how much patience these people had with me. 

The men slowed to a stop. I was now merely praying that Kylo Ren would notice my absence from training and miraculously come to my rescue. Hopelessness was beginning to consume me.

"Remember to move quickly and focus only on the task at hand. Get her on the ship and keep her silent. Take off as soon as possible, understood?" The same deep, manly, intimidating voice called out. No one replied, again, but a second cloth was pushed past my lips. This time, much to my dismay, an elastic band was fit around my head to keep the cloth in my mouth.

I was sure to make it difficult for them to fit the band around my skull. I was angry and terrified -- not the best of emotional mixtures. I jerked my head side to side, but they grabbed my skull and held me still. 

"Go." The threateningly low-pitched voice ordered. I heard the whish of opening doors, and the sound of footsteps resumed from all angles around me. 

I was suddenly looking up at a tall black ceiling. I realized that we had entered a hangar and the horrific situation reached an entire new degree of danger. 

I am going to be taken away. 

I can't be taken away. 

They are going to hurt me. 

I began flailing, desperately hoping to rip my limbs out of their grips, but my attempts were futile. I had no chance of overpowering my captors.

I could feel tears beginning to well in my eyes and the ball that precedes sobbing beginning to form in my throat. I could also feel a terrified scream rising from within my gut; it felt like my chest was inflating with a panicked pressure. 

I couldn't make a sound, however, because of the cloth in my mouth and the elastic band trapping it in. I couldn't fight them because of their steady restraining. I couldn't use my powers because of the supernatural handcuffs they had clasped onto my wrists. 

Things were looking pretty grim, and unless Kylo Ren burst in through the doors I doubted that the situation would improve for me. 

No one from the hangar would realize that I was being abducted and/or be able to rescue me because of how concealed I was within the big group of things that were taking me away. I was mostly likely in the absolute center of the massive group and there was no seeing me through their impressively buff statures from the outside. 

No one is going to find me, I thought with horror, and no one's going to realize I'm gone until it's too late.

I sensed a slight inclination in their walking patterns and I realized that we were entering -- oh no, oh no, oh no -- a ship. It was dark except for a few red lights that gave off a dim illumination.

I had very little hope that I would escape this terrifying situation, but I knew had to try one last time. I began attempting to jerk my limbs away from them, but my tries were weaker than the past tries because of my diminishing spirit. My vision was blurry with tears and I was doing everything I could to keep myself from crying. 

Suddenly I was violently thrown against the wall. My breath was taken away from me as I hit the ground and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to endure the pain that felt like a strong punch to my chest. There was a loud crashing sound, and I looked to my left to see a grate. 

I then looked all around me and noticed that I was in a cage.

My breath came back to me and I desperately gasped for it. The start of the engine caused me to begin nervously hyperventilating. I watched desolately as the ship's door slowly came to a close. 

I was so close to being taken away.

Just like on Tunstead. 

I then mentally lost everything. 

I vaguely remember repeatedly throwing myself against the grated cage. I pounded my fists against the metal bars that held me back and screamed the name of the only one I desired to see. 

"Kylo Ren!" I had shouted. I only remember screeching for him once, but when I recovered from my breakdown, my voice was hoarse and my throat was scratchy. 

Everything was blurry because of the tears that constantly streamed down my face. My countenance was shaped into seemingly-permanent despair. 

Eventually I became weak and slid down the bars to the ground where I lay, pathetically sobbing. 

Later on I remember pushing myself across the floor into a corner in the back of the cage. 

I tucked my knees under my arms and curled up in a ball. Moments after that I blacked out. 


Author's Note

Along with a sequel for this story, I have come up with several basic plots for future fanfictions. The next one I'm going to write is going to be an Anakin Skywalker fanfic, and based on the plot's outline, it's going to seriously f**k you guys up emotionally (hopefully) haha! Then I have ideas for Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, and other Kylo Ren fanfictions that I also think are gonna be really good.

I am seriously SO EXCITED for the Anakin Skywalker one!

Also . . . I have some kinda bad news, but not super bad. I'm going to post an Author's Note chapter about it and delete it tomorrow, so please take the time to read it just so you are aware!

Okay, hope you enjoyed this CRAZY chapter! See you all soon :)

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