Part 28 Ball Part-II

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Richard was also asked by Kazuo to change for masquerade ball. He was in white shirt with a black waistcoat and tailcoat and metallic white mask with black feathers.

Xiang was in black silk tuxedo with a white shirt, a black tie and waistcoat, and a simple black hawk mask.

Miss Julianne was in royal blue, strapped sweetheart neckline, ruched taffeta dress. There was a bow underneath her bust, accentuating her curves. Julianna had dark blonde hair that were in half up do. She had a silver feathered mask on her face.

Kazuo, man of great taste and sophistication wore a copperish silver silk suit with a light grey tie. His hair were loose and a golden metallic venetian mask hid his face. Kazuo had exchanged the men's suits along with the masks. It was going to be fun for the masquerade night but his devilish, women killing grin vanished when he forgot his own butler's outfit.

"Just where did he go?"

The ball began with all the ladies starting in one row and gents in the other; either side bowed to one another after which the music started to play, professional violinist and piano players were hired for that specifically.
The masks and dresses were hung in one closet after ironing with name tags on them.. Anne,Yuzu ,Alan, Kazuo and Xiang choose the dresses for themselves and everyone else, it did surprise Kazuo to see Yuzu had two dresses tagged to his name but perhaps he was being too quick on changing the tags out of mischief that he didn't bother questioning Yuzu about it. The dresses were originally selected by one partner for the other but now they were all mixed up.

Yuzu adjusted his mask and looked around searching for the other grey mask than that of his own which he specifically prescribed to Kaoru until his eyes finally found what he was rummaging around for.
"Where were you? Don't get lost like that", Yuzu smacked the guy's butt while the guy turned around.
"Oh..grey perfectly fits your fragile figure L.....". The man leaned down and pulled up Yuzu by a hand around his waist.

"Oye! I'm not fragile and what's with lifting me" Yuzu hits at the man's chest interrupting him while he was still talking
"Cute as ever..ah I was looking for E...em never mind. Let's have a dance with you first". The man held Yuzu's free hand starting to dance with him.
"Don't be too close..what if..", Yuzu looked around to see if his dad was nearby but couldn't really spot it.
"I'm not afraid to show my love for you at all"! The man leaned down and kissed under Yuzu's ear.
 "You seem to be getting shorter with age", he whispered in Yuzu's ear making him squeeze his neck being ticklish.
"Who did you call short flirting giraffe!" Yuzu balled his fist and secretly punched in the guy's stomach .
"I'm going to kill you"!
"Kill me in the bed", the guy cringed behind mask ."But for now..a little self control please".
"Oh just you wait I'm going to teach a valuable lesson and it will involve toys too", Yuzu said with a forced smile.

"Eh...did I piss you that much? Sorry"! The guy leaned down to kiss yuzu on lips at which Yuzu blocked him with his hand. "Don't! I'm on kiss diet..", he said with a poker face still sulking about the height comment.

"Even with the mask I can feel your sexiness..ah that beauty..", Xiang was dancing with his both hands squeezing the buttocks of the man he was dancing with.
"Why do you have to place your hands there"? The man tried to get his ass free from the tight xiang-grip.
"Don't be shy baby you know this ass belongs to me" .Xiang had his chin rested over the guy's shoulder whom he presumed to be Derward.
"I'm not shy and my ass belongs to me. I carry it everyday", the man still squirmed.
"..Let me carry the burden for you then.."

"So you're saying you're trying to make her jealous?" Ao asked Anne who was dancing with him out of anger stepping on his feet occasionally without apologizing. Her gaze was stuck on Regina who was dancing with another lady right in front of her.
"I can't believe she didn't even turn to she didn't even ask me for a dance. Fine stick with that hag I'll dance with you!" Anne said angrily pulling Ao into dancing.
"Lemme go lemme go..."! Ao tried to crawl away but she kept on pulling him back into the forced dance wondering where'd Yuki go since he really didn't know what Yuki was wearing . He simply presumed that Yuki would know what Ao would be wearing and find him so he didn't pay much attention to ask what yuki was wearing.

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