Part 3 Sapphire in the wine

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We will be there in few minutes",said a grave heavy voice that broke the shallow pregnant silence sitting over the car.
"I hope few minutes aren't miles away". The voice was dripping with sarcasm that brought a frown on the face of middle-aged man. He furrowed his brow upon hearing her words, hair slicked back in traditional fashion, broad lips slightly turned upward at the corner, proud nose resting high upon his squared jaw. The muscle of the right cheek twitched that showed he might definitely had grinded teeth trying to hold back any retort. His coal black eyes stared the lady sitting across him. He was clad in the dark long furred coat, hand resting on his thigh.
"Are we there yet, Derward"? She asked again and he was surely losing his temperament. There she sat in her prime glory smoking the mint taste stick. She looked like a progidy from Chaucer works with a leg thrown over the other in cocky style. Red thin rubbied lips pursed implying she was in deep thought of the situation. Hair updid in a lose messy bun, with soft curls elegantly framing her face along with few silver streaks falling over her brown eyes. The arch of the brow matched her lips which was evident in her loopsided patent smirk.
"Derward, you will have ulcer with this anger". She mocked again releasing the puff of her stick in the air. It had been a pleasure to her heart when he tried to control his temperament. And the popping veins of his temples born the evidence that he was trying to control his temper at that moment. She smirked at him and removed the weed from her mouth. She perched her arm high against the rim of window resting her chin on the heel of palm. Oblivious to the drizzle outside she got lost about the current situation. Never had ever in her life she been to this area of the city. Those men always had worked for her. But now here she was looking for something different than others. She jerked back to the reality when car stopped and Derward opened the door for her.
"We are here madam". He told her calmly. Her heel made contact with the ground that smelt like a fresh asphalt because of the drizzle. She looked at the bricked building which didn't seem to have entrance door. Either it was the backside or building was connected secretly to the other one. Without paying much headache to it, she dropped her hood low on her face and followed the former one around the street. She stopped at the building which was a café. She narrowed her eyes and made her way through the glass door to a counter where Derward was standing next to a short man. She tapped her fingers on the counter that earned a smile from the shortly man
"What would you like to have ma'am"?.
"Sapphire in the wine" She stated nonchalantly. "By all means Ma'am". The man offered her a smile and showed her the way to a door around the corner of hall. The short male opened the door for her and she stepped into culinary room. "The way is there ma'am". The door slammed shut behind her and she trekked towards the small door at the right corner of room. She twisted the knob and opened the way to a new world. The aura was dark and dimmed, dripping and coated with the smell of sex.
"whatcha brings you here lady"? The rough tone of a male made her grimace. "A raven black". The former eyes narrowed and the woman pushed past him when he led the way. "You see lady we have better prostitutes..."
"I want him" She cut him. The man scowled fumbling with the keys to the wooden door. A cold blast of air hit her body and she blinked trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. He was sitting against the wall, arm resting on a perched leg while the other was lying lifelessly on the floor.
"Oye get up"! The former one kicked the latter one in his ribs. A low groaned reverberated the walls and she came to sit in front of him. Grabbing the boy by his chin she jerked his face up. Rebellious grey orbs met hers and she welcomed the urgency to slap him across the face. No hiss, no growl and no moan came out of raven head boy. It was sure going be rough and fun with her sex-slave.

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