Part 9 Petals that drip Sore

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Blood of wounded soul

She cleaned the altar; fragrance of roses dusting the serene air with their freshening perfume. She lit the candles; one after another moaning and blinking back to life that stood in awe of solitude of church.
"He will cover you in his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler".

She would always remain there, giving her soul being, serving her entire life to Jesus.
But the flames of candles vanished away by snap of Devil's fingers that echoed the church louder than her screams of agony.

Thy love for lord...

"Father isn't here". She spoke making a holy cross on her shoulders as she finished her prayer.
"I will wait for him". He told her in his stern voice that.
"You are here to make..."
"Confession for sins". He completed for her.
"Lord loves us, doesn't he? No matter how much sins do we commit He forgives us". She stood up dusting and straightening her skirt.
"Some sins are beyond atonement".
" We are His children. We all have inherent goodness".
"Then why do we become puppets of Lucifer". He mocked at her overly belief of inherent goodness and piousness of a man being. She curled her hand into fist glaring at the man that stood in front of her.
"We just get strayed...sins aren't upon our heart". She unconsciously touched the silver cross that was resting on her breasts.
"Man is dark and corrupted for sin". He spoke in cold distant tone as he circled around her, shoes tapping and echoing the high walls of the Church in silence.
"Heart embodies the pure light of innocence". She argued slightly raising the voice as she turned to face the man.
" He is distorted for the nector of forbidden". He smirked at her holding hands behind his back.
"He is being healed by the light of repentance". She offered him a smile knowing that she has put him to the liability of any objection.
"You are blessed by the knowledge sister..."

Nightingale has a crystalline voice that slits open the hearts and her voice ripped the scream of heaven.

Sweet raptured light...

Choir of the Chorus group had ended and she dispersed from the group. "You have a beautiful voice".It was the same man from the last night.
"Nice to meet you" She paused not knowing how to address him but hesitated in asking the male's name. "
"Duke Willamette"! He smiled upon the young nun who was again fidgeting with her cross around her neck.
"Lord has forgiven me for not visiting"? He asked putting hat on his head and turned his back to her.
"He has called you here again Sir". He threw her a quick glance over his shoulder and walked out of the church.

Devil was once an Angel...
Sin was once an innocence...

Mirror is broken...
...Rose has dripped sore


"Father has sent me here". She was standing in the grandeur mansion of Duke Willamette. "He asked to give you this" . She handed him a bag that she had been asked to deliver at this late hour of night. He slowly approached her with extended hand that appeared to be for taking a bag. But he grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall.
"Sir...". She gasped in as his hand slided up to her breast cupping her roughly.
"A girl like yourself shan't be restrained in the chastity of chapel that promises nothing ..."
"Let go"! She struggled against his iron grip, fists pounding against his chest.
"You can't fight me"! He slapped her across her cheek that pricked her eyes with tears. She jerked up her body and shouted when his hand ripped open her neckline. She bit his hand hard drawing blood when he tried to muffle her yells. Her head covering gave away in his hand when she ran tripping him off on the floor. She ran towards the staircase without wasting any time knocking a vase off the table. He pushed his body up, wiping the trail of blood off the corner of his mouth with his thumb where her nail had scratched and chased her around the hallway. She rushed towards the stairs, hand reaching and clenching the metal railing. Her foot was about to go down the step when she yelped in pain as he pulled her back by handful of her hair. She digged her nails in his arms, evenly scratching his heinous face trying to free herself.

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