Part 21 Goodnight Dream

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The wavering lines on the heart monitor showed drop in his pulse activity. He was lying on hospital bed, IVs of both liquids and blood, and needles pierced into his arms and hands. His torso; chest with broken ribs were swathed with the bandages, gauze was covering his neck and shoulder.   The room smelt of chlorine, antiseptics and medicines dusting the atmosphere. Both his heartbeat and respiratory rate were still unstable, for he had been on ventilator. With an oxygen mask over his mouth for facilitated breathing, he looked much paler due to excessive blood loss. Body scrapped, frail and weak being on IVs for the two days.

Breathe in..
...Breathe out...

Anne stood outside of the ICU room, hand pressed against the round peeking glass of the wooden door. She remembered when they found him on the rooftop. His pulse had almost dropped, body cold; haemorrhaging because of severe internal injuries. There were no whereabouts of Edmond who set off to find Lee.
Lee was brought to the hospital in near dead state. Doctors admitted him in the emergency room and started treating his injuries to stop bleeding and stabilizing his heart and respiration.

Lee was her best pal and her partner in crime when she had to play with Derward about Xiang. When Regina and Derward first brought him home, she wasn't much fond of him being some possessive and anti- social girl she had been back then. Though nothing changed much still after then, but her possessiveness granted her to protect those around her. Lee didn't use to talk much or let alone make an eye contact. She always happened to listen to his midnight screams and yells of agony of his nightmares that originated from his traumatic sexual experience and slavery. She once had had a break down when his brother's murderer was finally found. She ran down the mansion and hid beneath the staircase, her secret spot to hide and cry for hours oblivious to anyone. When she was raking with sobs and rocked herself hugging her form, it happened to occur that she wasn't alone in her hideout. Lee was also crouching there, face hidden in his book though he couldn't have been reading anything in the pitch dark. She asked him if he was stalking her and accusation scared the hell out of the poor boy. Lee told him he couldn't sleep because he didn't feel safe while sleeping. That the man didn't leave him even in his slumber and always come to haunt him. Anne admitted her own fears sliding next to him that she couldn't remove the sight of his brother's murder. Then they started talking randomly,introducing themselves and chatting about house's members and servants. They spent all night talking nonsensically without realizing skip of time and hours lap. It was daybreak, and servants started carring out the house chores with Derward on the search hunting of them. When Anne was about to leave,Lee asked her if he could call her "Annie" and lent her his book. It appeared that giving book to her was a sign of acceptance of her in his small space and insignia of friendship. Next day Anne gave him glasses to wear so that it would not have been direct eye contact. She hugged him when he gave her another book. Lee hesitated a bit as he was not comfortable with the physical touch but hugged her back otherwise thanking for the glasses. Since then, it had been over four years and they were secret holders of each other and criminals in annoying Regina and Derward.

Anne turned around and saw Derward and Xiang talking with Regina in low voice whose brows narrowed at the news. She stalked up to them trying to make out their words by getting closer.

 " Most of them are already dead". Derward told Regina.
  "But one had a tail under our feet and his whereabouts had been traced".
"What did you find"? Regina asked harshly who was already trapped in the game of cat and mouse.

"From the confidential sources and after some evidence at the crime places, it's sure that you had been the target". Xiang stated looking at Regina's surprised face.
" What did I have to do anything with him"? Regina asked pressing on her bust wincing.
"Because he seemed to be on vengeance against you".Derward replied.
"Vengeance"? Anne interrupted them looking from Regina to Derward.
"I am afraid to tell you Miss Regina ..." Xiang paused scratching his nose with index finger in hesitation.
" Out already"! Regina pressed further urging him to finish his sentence.
"It's him...Grey wolf". Derward finished.
"Alexial" ! Regina shouted out in shock clutching her arm.
"Ala..." Anne stopped midway dropping her gaze on the floor grimacing.
"What about Edmond"? Regina asked again mind still interpreting the words she had listened.

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