Part 7 Strigoi-Tears of Desire

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The amber glow of the fire lightened the hut. Burning wood cracked into hot glowing embers. The blizzard was getting worse and Edmond didn't know how long it would last. He sighed and looked down at the boy who was still unconscious, lying and wrapped in the furred blankets. He was having hypothermia and Edmond was trying to warm him up through his body heat. He brushed aside the hair from Alan's face and kissed his brow. He balanced his weight on forearms and touched Alan's forehead with his.
"Why did you do it"? He whispered hoarsely to the sleeping boy. His eyes fell upon Alan's lips that were partly open. He leaned down angling his head; mouth centimeter apart from from Alan's forbidden lips. He inhaled and sucked the breath that escaped from the mouth of Alan hungrily. He dipped his head down, lips grazing the Alan's ones. He could feel the heartbeat of Alan on his lips and he was losing himself in the rhythm.' It's wrong'. He knew it but he couldn't help the burning desire for Alan. It's sick and he shouldn't be doing this to his friend. The more he reasoned the more heinous it became. It's a dark sin; a sin that is forbidden. But he himself is a sin; sick and corrupted harbouring darkest desires and hunger for his friend that is insatiable. Besides forbidden apple always tastes delicious. He opened his mouth nipping and sucking Alan's lips. He was losing himself in the corruption of lust and it was oh so delicious. His tongue trailed the seam of Alan's lips, tracing the perfect curve of the tender flesh. He closed the gap kissing him full, one hand holding the face of the shorter male while the other was fisted into the blanket in anger. 'How could he do this to him'? He would never be able to erase the sight of him falling in the currents; how his heart stopped for few seconds. Without thinking much he dived straight in the water towards his drowning body. He would never forgive himself if he had drowned right there. The mere recalling of the event stung back of his eyes and a shameful tear escaped his eye, landing on the cheek of Alan. Edmond broke away from the kiss sobbing silently as his thumb brushed the Alan's warm cheek. Alan moaned underneath him, eyes fluttering open staring at the Edmond.
"Ed..."! He murmured and snuggled into the bare chest of Edmond enjoying the heat that was radiating from his body.
" awake"!? Edmond asked staring down at him in disbelief.
"When did you wake up"?
"When you were taking advantage of me".
"I was warming your chi". Edmond tried to hide shakiness of his voice.
Edmond blushed and tried to get up.
"With your tears"? Alan wiped away the moist eyelashes of the Edmond. He leaned in relishing his touch but then slammed fist next to his head. "What the hell were you thinking"? He shouted at Alan.
"I was trying to pull you up...".
"I scarred you". Alan choked at his phlegm looking away from the Edmond.
"Are you talking about this "? Edmond pointed at his cheek riling up with rage.
"It's my fault...".
" u decided to get drowned"?
"Yes"! Alan slapped it right on his heart.
"What the hell"! Edmond shook with the fits of anger.
"You could have been the dead".
"You wouldn't have cared"! Alan closed his eyes listening to the sound of blizzard and their heavy breaths.
"I would have been devas..." He trailed away letting words die in his throat. He pinched the bridge of his nose and pushed his body up to move away.

I will be a sage at your temple
Worshipping the lord fire

"I am going to see...". He never got to finish what he was about to say as Alan pulled him back to him grabbing his rear. He tugged Edmond's head down forcefully with his other hand and kissed him hungrily. He opened his mouth; tongue delving into Edmond's mouth sucking and biting, while rubbing his lower half erratically to Edmond's.
"Alan! What are you...". Edmond tried to break away but Alan tightened his grip on Edmond's plump rear rocking harshly against him.

Because I know the Divine book of Love
I will recite hymns of your name

" I know you want me Edmond". Alan groaned, mouth leaving trail of saliva down the throat; teeth and his hungry tongue grazing, biting and sucking the tender flesh of his neck alternatively.
"This is wrong". Edmond hissed trying to control his sanity. "Yet it's right...I want you in any way". Alan pulled out the tongue of Edmond by his teeth and started sucking on it.

Heavens I am sinner
Let me atone for my hunger

"You are underage...we are boys". Edmond spoke while moaning. Alan laughed at his first clause of complain.
"I crave for your soul not body..." Alan wrapped his legs around Edmond's waist, hands roaming all over his back. "Souls are old, thousands and thousands years old...". He broke away gazing into the dark eyes of Edmond with his hooded eyes. "If you think I will stop because you are a boy ...I have far gone from it". His chest heaved from the lack of oxygen and rushing adrenaline. He licked his lip then spoke, "If wanting you is a sin...then let me be the sinner. It will make me virtuous, let me atone..".
Edmond dipped his head down catching Alan's swollen lips. He pulled his leg up rubbing slowly against his ass.

Let me bath you tonight Lord
In the tears of my regret

"Heavens forbid us". He moaned between the kisses. Alan kissed his scar from cheek bone to his jaw. Edmond lifted him up on his lap and started kissing hollow of his throat.
He lovingly massaged his shoulders, hands trailing down to his wrists. He grabbed his hands and tied them behind his back, sucking at the juncture of neck. "Edmond"! Alan moaned while rubbing against him. Edmond lay him down gently kissing his forehead.

It's a sin that tastes delicious
Seeing you hurt is my punishment

"Turn around"! Alan opened and closed his mouth but complied to what he had been asked. He lay on his abdomen and felt Edmond's body descend on him. "Strigoi do exist". Edmond kissed the back of Alan's neck earning a sweet moan from him. "They are the beautiful creatures that take shape of humans...". He trailed kisses down his spine nipping at its baseline. Alan jerked his rear up groaning.
"...they feign innocence and lure people". His finger glided down the sharp line of his ass. He swiftly inserted in his finger eliciting a sharp growl from the younger boy. "Relax your muscles". Edmond kissed his ear soothing him down. "They take your heart away by casting spell of desire". He inserted second finger followed by another. He pressed the rings of muscles that ripped a loud moan from Alan. "They take your soul away by a kiss...they take you away from you". Edmond guided his member inside Alan.

Because you're my prayer
I am a slave in your name

"Ed..."! Alan threw his head back mouth forming perfect O. His fisted hand got opened by Edmond as he intertwined his fingers with him. "You are my strigoi" He whispered and the moans of Alan were carried through the night.

Edmond jerked up awake sitting in the bathtub. He wiped his face with his hands and rested his head down on his knees. He remembered everything, the time they spent together; their moans, their smiles, the shrieks, the fire, those beasts, their laughter, his screams, his blood, the ropes that separated them both. He remembered everything. Those strigoi raped their happiness and lives.

City of Crimson Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें