Part 13 Apparition in Night

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Edmond wandered around the mansion looking for library. He didn't have much to do throughout the day. Regina was always busy with her business, documents and paper work.Derward had to run from one place to another running errands for Regina ,busy with lords and dukes . While Anne...she tried to avoid him as much as possible. So he asked Derward if he could get something to read and he told him about visiting the library in the basement floor. Regina had had a huge library with books of great literary taste and Lee had a fine collection of the books around the world. He trekked towards the book room and entered the library. It was bigger than what he had expected, cream coloured walls that contrasted with the black curtains and wooden stacks. Shelf cases were filled with the hundreds of hundreds books. Sections were titled for easy sorting out and were separated by the glass doors encasement. Entire dome shaped ceiling was of the mirror reflecting the black carpet and furniture, and had low hanging light lamps. Settees with cushions, tables and chairs were perfectly arranged and were in the balanced harmony of the room shape. He looked around going through different sections. His hands glided through the books on the shelves. He picked out a book and swiftly skimmed through its pages. He closed the book shut and turned around only to see a boy standing there reading a book. He was in indigo trousers and a loose full sleeves sky blue sweatshirt. He had a triangular face, dark ebony chin length chopped hair , almond shaped eyes with obsidian pupils that were hidden behind the glasses. He had a medium defined nose with voluptuous proportion lips.

"Dayybuk, in the end cannot live inside the soul. Being attracted to purity and innocence, it's own darkness engulfs the light out of the heart. A desperate broken soul; cursed of loneliness, always looking for someone to support itself". He told Edmond and Edmond looked around seeing whom he was talking to.

"He is Ruchism; an evil spirit..." He closed the book putting it back on the shelf and Edmond abruptly grabbed it, opening it only to find it ...blank.

"... who possesses the righteous ones and taints their hearts with darkness and evil, urging them to the lord sin".
Edmond turned the pages around with snapping sound of the crisp papers but there wasn't any dot of ink on it. Pages were blank.

"The creature latches itself onto the souls of good, honest people and causes destruction and mayhem wherever it goes".That boy strolled forward to other books rack drawing out a thick book.Edmond rushed to catch up with him gazing at the boy.

"It's a soul that has suffered "karet," which means that it has been cut off from God because of evil deeds". He continued speaking while marking something in his book.

"A sinner who is seeking refuge from the punishments of the afterlife." He stopped in his tracks staring into the space with furrowed brows. "We...we all are Karet. Denied of God's asylum, running around to hide from Him, when there is no running". He closed the book shut and handed it to Edmond.
"We are corrupted and want recognition, identity; to be loved and seeked. But our distortion also destroys those whom we crave the most..." Edmond stood there trying to make out what he was saying.
 "We are living Ruchism, haunted by past , we are liable to sins". He slided his glasses up with his index finger and looked at Edmond. Edmond gaped at the boy who just stood there staring him with emotionless face.

 "Were you talking to me"? Edmond finally asked him looking around the room that was void of any other soul. The boy blinked few times at him, eyes widening at Edmond.
"Ahhhhhhh"! He freaked out jolting back to reality.
"Er...I-I...didn't sss..see y- you"! He bit his fist as his body shook.
"What"? Edmond gawked at him in surprise. He had been there in front of his eyes  whole time and he was telling him that he didn't see him.

"S-Sorry...I was out..". He apologized rubbing back of his neck sheepishly.
"You just handed me a book". Edmond asked in confusion turning around to have a look of its title.
"I did"? The boy looked from Edmond to book. "Yes, I did".
"But you just said you didn't see me". Edmond pressed further trying to clarify things.
"I saw you..." He snatched the book back stacking it back in place and withdrew another book. "...but I didn't see you". He thrusted him the second book.
"What"?! Edmond choked out in utter disbelief. 
"Can I ask what brought you here"? The boy asked head poking out of the glass slab of next section.

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