The Big Day

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It was the big day. Same Pucket and Nevel Papperwoman's brother, Stingy, were going to get married. OMG OMG OMG OMG.

The kazoo kid played the kazoo as Same walked down the aisle. She cried. 'Your tears are mine." whispered Stingy to himself. He didn't really love Same. He just wanted to possess and caress everything she had.

Nevel was in on Stingy's plan. They were going to steal the iCarly web page. OMG OMG. He thought he and Nevel could get closer to stealing the web page by getting Same to help him steal it from Miranda, Puranda, and Freddie. Let the rueing begin.

Stingy caressed Same's shoulder. "I caress it because I possess it."

Same began to laugh, "Ahahahahahahaha."

Gibby was the priest. "We are gathered here today for the marriage of Same and Stingy."

Same reached out for Stingy's hands. "Ew!" screamed Stingy, "SO MUCH SWEAT! ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!"

Same laughed, "Ahahahahahahahaha. Thanks."

"You will rue this day, Same." whispered Nevel to himself.

Katniss sat in the crowd and a violent flashback began. She imagined Nevel killing Rue. "Looks like you will Rue messing with me." She cried evrytim. She stood holding three fingers high and ran from the room in tears.

"Those tears are mine!" screamed Stingy.

Same began to say her vows. "I will always be yours and you always be mine, OMG OMG OMG OMG."

"I am not PROPERTY!" screamed Stingy, sassily and gasping, "Now for MY vows."

He began to sing his vows, "This mailbox is mine. And this triagonal sign. That blue balloon, the month of June, they're mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. Ziggy's sweets are mine. That birdie's tweets are mine. The city streets, both your feet, they're all emphatically mine. It all belongs to me, everything that I see. North, south, east, and west. I caress it, 'cause I possess it, I'm Stingy and it's mine. And this instrumental lick is also mine. The floor and ceiling are mine. All your feelings are mine. You always knew it, that's all there is to it. It's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. That's what I said, It's mine."


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