Chapter 3 - Little Surprises

Start from the beginning

The sensation of a warm body close behind me made me tense and slowly turn around, tilting an eyebrow at the yummy male in front of me. "Can't get enough of me, can you?" I drawled sarcastically, making Josh smirk widely as he ignored the sarcasm.

"I'm actually looking for my room. Dust- err, Declan mentioned that we were all going to get our own room?" He quickly corrected himself but I noticed that he had let most of Declan's codename slip. I smiled widely and turned around before striding confidently towards the spare room further down the hall.

"Here you go, get yourself comfortable." I said with a blank face as I opened the door and motioned for him to go in the room before I started walking away. I had to bite the inside of my cheek when I felt his eyes on my ass as I sauntered down the hall to the end, where the stairs were located.

"Where are you going? Isn't it time to get to bed?" Josh asked in a slightly gravely yet confused one, making me smirk as I shrugged. "Yeah, gonna sleep now since I have some plans for tomorrow. Maybe I can call Andre..." I mused to myself while walking up the stairs.

Half of my brain was planning tomorrow while the other half cheered in joy when I noticed Josh' slightly disgruntled expression, as if he was annoyed of my lack of attention for him.

A smile curved my lips upwards before I flicked my tongue over my bottom lip. So he really is interested. Well then, this should be fun....

---Sage's POV---

Before my body completely woke up, my brain seemed to jump into overdrive as every little bit of information if the last hours came rushing back. I sighed while keeping my eyes closed for a moment before opening them to face a new day.

Sitting up and rubbing a hand through my tussled hair, I came up with a plan for today. First of all, I had to quit my medical education so I could support the family. I was an adult and could work from home so there was no way that they were gonna pull me and my siblings away from each other.

As I padded towards the bathroom for my morning rituals, I remembered that Declan gave me dad's note, which was written in code. The code seemed simple enough to crack... The door of my bedroom opening and closing made me turn my head before I rushed with my shower. Wrapping a towel around my hips, I ventured into my room.

One look at the bed made me shake my head. "Morning Davy, is there any reason you're already awake at 6 in the morning?" I drawled, looking at him over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow before I stepped in my closet.

 Davy chortled slightly before listing, "All three of us need to go to school but we need to eat as well and I hate to tell it to you, but those Seals are lousy cooks. Well, at least that Richard guy is." I groaned slightly as I pulled a shirt over my head and stepped out of the closet.

"So basically, you just want me to cook for you guys before I have to play driver and drive you guys to school." I stated, earning a nod and snort from Davy as he walked out of the room. "Uh, let's see.... yep, that's pretty much it. You know that love goes through man's stomach?"

I chuckled and walked beside him to the kitchen. "Then it surprises me that you aren't cooking up a storm for your lover boy." I laughed out loud when Davy froze in his tracks before he scowled and stomped inside.

The kitchen looked like a battlefield as Richard was trying his best to cook what should be pancakes but... The black bundles soaking in a weird brown sauce didn't look like pancakes to me.

Richard was making a new attempt with Ellie curiously watching at the sidelines. Her brown hair curled wildly and a bit of flour covered her nose before it twitched. "Excuse me, sir? I don't think that u should put salt in a pancake...that's icky."

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