Screw 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke!

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  Waking up was so comforting with Jon still laying by my side and it was peaceful just to watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest, like hearing the ocean waves except there was no ripples of anything on his body, just smooth planes and muscles. When had Jon become so good looking? With that disturbing thought I nudged him awake as I made my way to the bathroom to scrub my face as if to purge it of thoughts like that. It was Jon

           I splashed water on my face to finish up my ablutions and walked back into the room where Jon had taken it upon hisself to start changing into some of the clothes he always kept here, like a wardrobes worth. I had to choose the minute he was butt naked in my room to walk in which never use to bother me but now I was blushing furiously at catching a glimpse of all of him. That certainly had- changed since the last time I saw him.

           He'd turned around when I entered- not quick enough- and glanced over his shoulder at me with a wolffish smile on his face. "Most girls kill to see me like this and yet having seen me before you're looking away? My ego is well and truly scarred." He winked at me and against the odds I found myself relaxing and going back to seeing him as Jon not just a really hot naked guy in my room.

          "Most girls would be astonished that it takes you longer than them to get ready." I shot back and he -thankfully?- pulled on a pair of loose running shorts that looked more like slacks with the lower legs cut off. "No underwear?" I blurted before my filter came to life and my blush was suddenly deeper than it had ever been.

          "Nothing wrong with letting the boys hang loose once in a while." He came over to me and gently cupped the back of my neck before placing a kiss onto the top of my head like he always used to do. Was it just me that was changing? "You'll be fine today, Andrew won't even register as a blip on anyone's radar and if he does he'll end up being a blip on the front of the windscreen of my car."

          The ride to school in Jon's car was as natural as it used to be before the falling out but I knew something was going to go wrong today, I could just feel it, and when we pulled up at school I instantly saw what it was. "You could drive straight into him and produce that blip on your windscreen like you promised?" I chimed as we drove past a crowd of students circling round the bane of my life and what appeared to be his new entourage. 

          Finding a spot at the back of the car park away from where Jon usually parked we got out and made our way to the back door because I didn't need the commotion that was Andrew. "That tool knows how to annoy even from a distance." Jon growled and glared at the throng of people making me laugh.

         "It's reminds me awfully of our last school don't you think?"

         "Feels good for it to be us against the world again don't you think?" Jon was staring off into the distance and I wasn't sure how to answer that with the feelings that stirred up in me towards my best friend.

        "It's always been us against the world Jon, even if you stopped seeing it for a while." He winced and I instantly regretted saying that, was my brain spasming? "Look Jon-"

        "Trouble in paradise Cass?" Andrew stepped directly in front of me leaving my only option to plough into him which he used to his advantage to grab me.

         I shook of his hold on my arm and sneered at him. "You're like a bloody cockroach that just won't die!" I screamed in his face and stormed around him because I just wasn't dealing with that today. Why couldn't I have less frustrating boy troubles like normal people? I wouldn't mind two fit jocks fighting over me or even one fit jock fighting for my love, not a psychotic ex who hated my best friend and was best friend's with a guy I thought I could be falling for. 

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