A Knee-Buckling Revelation That I Don't Need!!!

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Lunchtime came and along with it Simon and Liv, the new 'it' couple and it had only taken them from home room this morning to become that. People could spread news fast in school! I didn't expect either to acknowledge me past the popularity ring that now circled them, people who wanted to try and be popular through association. Ugh. I found an empty seat in the corner of the room as far from them as possible in case I was sick at the sight of people fawning over the new couple when the chair across me scraped across the floor, silencing most people in the room and drawing stares from most.

Simon smiled at me like it was a normal occurrence for him to sit on a two-seater table alone with me in the corner of the cafeteria while his girlfriend sat across the room wi steam coming out of her ears. "Hey friend, thought you looked lonely and decided to join you." He looked at me sharply to cut off my protests just as I tried to avoid all of the curious stares being thrown over my way. Or his way more accurately.

"Yeah friend I think you need to leave, like now preferably." He looked to where I was looking.

"Ignore 'em, they've got nothing better to do with their time other than stare at us living our lives." He took a huge bite out of his shifty looking spaghetti bolognese and made a point of chewing and ignoring everyone behind him, including his girlfriend.

"Liv's going to pop an artery if you don't go and sit with her. She must be embarrassed that you chose to sit here and she's still my friend."

He sighed. "Even I noticed how good of a friend she can be with her attitude to you in chemistry today." His sarcastic note had me flushing, remembering how nasty Liv actually was to me and him noticing it had heat rising up my neck.

"She just likes you a lot is all so please don't upset her." I felt guilty even as I felt her glare at the side of my head. I was definitely on her enemy list now.

"You're a good person Cassie and someone she doesn't deserve." He didn't let me interrupt to refute that before he carried on. "I said I'm giving this relationship a try with Liv and so far she hasn't really impressed me, reminds me of my ex with her attention seeking, so I want her to be comfortable with us being friends. If she can't handle me sitting with you at lunch then this thing between between her and me is a non-starter."

He made a very convincing argument and one that I couldn't decide if I was going with it because I wanted to or because I needed to to justify this.

He took hold of my hand and I couldn't help but look over at Liv to see her almost shoot out of her seat at the sight. I ripped my hand away guiltily like everyone could read my shameful thoughts the moment he made contact with me. I wanted the ground to open up swallow me whole. "I was serious when I told you I could deal with all of those being fake-" he nodded his head backwards towards the rest of the room, "if I had you in my life to share all of the important things with and I meant it. It will be you I choose over everything and everyone else so stop being afraid of whatever we have between us and just enjoy it. Life's better if you stop analysing every aspect of it."

"I don't-"

"Tell me that when it's true." We pretty much ate the rest of our lunch in comfortable silence and when the bell rang we went our separate ways like we'd been having lunch like that for years. That's what scared me the most.

"Hey." The voice startled me from out of nowhere in the woods behind my view of the town. Jon, my wolf, had finally come back home this afternoon and I decided to show him the new spot I found with Simon and I shouldn't have really thought that Simon wouldn't come back up here even if it wasn't his part of the island.

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