It's officially official. Griffyn is ignoring me. He wouldn't let me anywhere near him. I stare at the back of his head in American History, practically seething as Mrs. Mallory drones on about a topic I'm very clearly not interested in. Can't she see that I have other problems to worry about here in the present? How is talking about problems that happened hundreds of years ago going to help me now?

            Griffyn shifts a little in his seat as if uncomfortable. Maybe he senses me. Good. I hope he can feel the holes I'm glaring into the back of his head.

            When he doesn't shift again, I resume my worried thoughts. If he won't let me near him, then how am I going to talk to him? And if I can't talk to him, how am I going to pull off Carolina's plan?

            I have no idea as to where Melody and Griffyn are going tonight and no one else seems to have any clue, either. Not even Park, and she's his sister. If not her, then I don't know who els--

            Oh, wow, am I an idiot.

            I cut my own thoughts off as the realization hits me. If there's any one person who'd know where the date was going to take place, it'd be Melody. And I'm not stupid enough to just go up to her and ask. Griffyn would be sure to find out. And I'm pretty sure the girl is scared to death of me (though, that's not necessarily a bad thing).

            But there is one girl who seems to know a heck of a lot about Melody and that would be Julia, a girl who's been in student council with Melody since we started having it in 6th grade.

            Class ends, and for the first time, I'm the first one out the door. Now, if I were Julia, where would I be? The answer is easy. I head in the direction of the library.

            She's leafing through a stack of nonfiction books about horses when I find her. "Julia," I start, just to get her attention. She visibly stiffens, automatically reaching up to her black hair and fiddling with the ponytail nervously.

            "Y-Yeah?" she stutters, not even bothering to look at me. She stares at the stack of horse books in front of her while chewing on the inside of her cheek and waiting for my reply.

            I reach out and grab one of the books from the shelves to my left. I flip through it before replacing it on the shelf. I trail my fingers along some of the spines and study the girl. "You're aware that I'm friends with Griffyn, right?"

            She nods and when she doesn't speak, I continue. "Well, you see, I've got his..." Quick! Come up with something, Carson! "Shirt. And he needs it, like, tonight. Do you know where he'll be?"

            Julia hesitates, glancing up for a second before lowering her gaze again. "I actually don't think I should..."

            "Oh, please, Julia? I'm his best friend and if he doesn't have this shirt by tomorrow, it's possible he'll die." Okay, I may have exaggerated a little, but it's not like she knows about the made up shirt and the made up reason about how he'll die if he doesn't have it. Though, I hope she doesn't ask me to elaborate on things...

            Julia bites her lip in thought and picks up three books. "Olive Garden, six-thirty," she whispers before running out of the row of shelves we're in and disappearing from view.

            I smile and trail my fingers along the spines as I find my way out of the library and to my fourth block, PE. Though PE is my least favorite class for more reasons than one, my smile still stays on my face for just one reason that outweighs all the others.

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