
"I think we should really go! We were invited anyways." Sarah kept pestering me about a party she was invited to and wanted me to tag along. She knew I couldn't come but Sarah is stubborn.

"I can't. Sorry." I smiled at her apologetically. She's crazy to think that I have time to go and party it up. Plus I have no clothes and my mother will kill me.

"Ugh you're no fun!" Sarah whined but stopped in her tracks.

"What?" I whispered and she pointed to a group of guys sitting near their cars. She pulled me closer and hid us behind a huge tree near them.

"Look at Amir!" She whispered. "I wonder what they are saying." We quited down and listened. I don't want want to do this but I can't sneak away from Sarah.

"What about that girl! That would be hilarious if you asked her out!" One of Amir's friends laughed loudly.

"Hey hey hey."Amir said. "Do you really think that ugly peasant is even worth being seen with me?" He scoffed and they all laughed. He was leaning against his sports car and smirked when they all laughed as if he told a joke.

I instantly knew who they were talking about and for some reason I felt my chest twist. It bothered me. How could it not?

Sarah looked at me. "Sorry." She whispered.

"Eh, it's okay." I shooed it off.

"They aren't saying anything about me." Sarah said, frustrated.

We listened back in. Hopefully they mention her name so she can fangirl and we can go home.

They just started talking about business and it got boring. We finally snuck away and I began my way home.


Coming to school the next day, I was called in by my English teacher and she finally gave me the dreading chore of showing the new fancy kid into this school.

I had forgot about it until today.

"This is Adam." She introduced us and all he did was observe me.

"Hello Adam." I fake smiles. He had dark brown eyes and dark hair styled messily on his head. He had broad shoulders and a defined face, with sharp a jaw. He was dressed in our school uniform, which was surprising.

"It's nice to meet you to." He nodded.

"Okay!" The teacher clapped her hands startling me. "Get to it! Show him around be his friend!" She continued.

I wanted to run but I thought that would be rude.

"Let's go Adam." I spoke and he followed next to me.


"Where do we start?" He spoke up as I made my way to the cafeteria. It was way too early to start showing him now. Classes begin in an half hour from now. I needed breakfast.

"Food first." I pointed my finger up.

Adam chuckled. "Right."

We walked in and I grabbed a cinnamon roll and went to pay for it. Things here were expensive but today I had money and I was craving it badly.

He decided to grab one too and followed me. I reached into my pocket but then Adam quickly got out his card and paid for both of ours.

"Why did you do that!?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled.

"I'll pay you back." I said quickly.

"For what?" He chuckled. "A cinnamon roll? You're already showing me around, think of it as pay for your work."

I laughed. "We-"

"Having fun are we?" An unamused deep voice spoke from behind me.

I tuned around to see Amir. He didn't look happy, wait, he never looked happy.

He cocked his brow when he looked to see Adam next to me. "And you are?" He said lowly.

"Adam." Adam said then turned his attention towards me. "Let's go sit."

"Okay." I walked away from Amir and sat further away. I glanced in his direction and he was staring dangerously in our direction. What was his problem?

It's a little short but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you for reading!

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