Twenty Six

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Alex Kings.

Its been a month since that incident and Juliet is never be the same. She can't sleep without light and she won't get touch by anyone. Her father thought its better to let her living in her house than mine so I have to visit or sleep over to his father's house every time I need to see her. I need to know if she's okay. I become paranoid and I am afraid that she will leave me.

She is not that innocent little girl I used to tease. I even remember the horror on her face when I told her that Mae can't see her cause she passed away. Juliet thought it was her fault but I told her no and she let me hold her for a while that night.

It hurts knowing that she need to take pills or medicine to get some sleep. She spending her days by reading and writing. I love her so much that it hurts knowing she would probably leave me when she realize that I caused her pain.

"Alex, you okay ?" Gwen voice bring me back yo reality. She stood there in my office wearing short red dress. "Seriously Gwen I don't want to deal with you" I said harshly. "Baby don't be like that please you know I miss you" she said as she make her way to me. "Ah fuck it Gwen just leave okay?" I said frustrated. I am not in the mood to deal with a bitch especially her , Gwen.

"I know you haven't get laid this past months so let's make up please baby let me. I won't as anything again" she said she unbottened my upper shirt. Shit. I pushed her and glaring at her. "I told you to leave ,Gwen. Leave me the fuck alone. Now!!" I shouted at her making her red with embrassement and anger. She quickly heading out from my office.

"Fuck!!!" I snapped.


"You look bad, man you okay ?" Kyle patted my shoulder. I just shrugged. "Come on man she will be okay" Kyle assured me.

"I hope so kyle. If she don't comeback then I don't know what to do" I admit. I am afraid that Juliet will be like this forever. She is emotion less. "I know its hard for you but she's been through a lot. She will be fine" Kyle said again.

"Thanks" I said as I sipped my beer. "Are you going to visit her ?" He asked. "Of course. I can't live without see her face" I sighed. "Great. here" he handed me a box of chocolate with love shape. I snorted. " the last time I check she is my wife, why did you bought her chocolate?" I said.

"She is like my sister. I lost my sister Delilah back then but now I promised myself I would always take care of Juliet " he said. I patted his shoulder. "Thanks man. I know its hard for you losing a sister but I will make sure Juliet will stay" I said.

"Okay now go to Juliet before she sleep. Its almost nine pm" Kyle said. "Right. Thanks man" I said as I make my way outside the bar. I've been checking all the bars I own to make sure no harm.

Its been a month since Victor died but still his action leaving traumatic in Juliet. I sighed.


Juliet .

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep now ?" Stella asked. I shook my head. "I am waiting for Alex. I know he will come" I said. She nodded and walked to the kitchen.

It's been a month since I've been kidnapped. I am not the same Juliet. I've been scared even Alex told me that Victor is already dead but I can still feel his hands on me. He punched, kicked and touched me in forbidden area that make my stomach sick. I want to vomit so bad every time I remember his face and his hands on me. The laughters of his friends when they looked at my scared face.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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