"Yes." Soren nodded. "He's curious to know why—wait." Blinking, Soren turned his head toward the door that he'd been standing in front of. "H-Headmaster Strattelo!"

The headmaster of Arcadia's Knight Academy stood within the doorframe, gazing at the figures before him with razor keen eyes. His headmaster's uniform, which looked more like a military uniform, was crisp and neat as ever. Caspian even thought his medals possessed an extra shine, making him wonder if the old man might have been polishing them before they'd arrived on his doorstep.

"Hey, Old Man. You're looking spry as ever."

"And you are as rude as ever," the headmaster returned fire. "You also haven't answered my question."

"About that... would you mind if we had this discussion in your office?" Caspian asked.

Headmaster Strattelo nodded. "I believe that would be for the best. Soren, please ensure that no one interrupts our meeting."

Soren clicked his tongue, but bowed all the same. "Of course, Headmaster. I shall do all in my power to keep everyone away while you and this... boy discuss why he broke the rules and brought a girl into the academy."

Elincia paled. "I-is it really against the rules to bring a girl here? Caspian, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it wouldn't have changed anything." Elincia opened her mouth to speak, but Caspian placed a finger over her lips. "I'm not about to let you wander around on your own, especially not while we have so many foreign guests coming to Axium."

All sorts of odd people were entering Axium to watch the tournament. Just today, they'd seen what appeared to be an entire circus troupe wandering the streets. With so many people inside of the city, Caspian didn't feel comfortable leaving Elincia alone—in fact, even if there hadn't been a bunch of people entering the city, he would have never left his friend alone.

"I understand," Elincia said after taking his finger from her mouth. Her lips curled in such a way that the sun itself was but a pale gleam in comparison. "Thank you for worrying about me." Her smile turned into a pout. "But you know, you're not the only one who did some growing up. I might not be any good at fighting, but I'm not helpless either."

"If you say so."

The pouting intensified. "I do say so."

He and Elincia shared a smile. Christo looked like someone had just smacked him in the face. Even Soren seemed flabbergasted.

"Soren, quick! Pinch me!"

The look Soren gave Christo was half-disgusted, half-confused. "Why, pray tell, should I pinch you?"

"Because Caspian is acting friendly with someone—no, not just someone, but with a girl. I must clearly be dreaming. I need you to wake me up. Now pinch me!"

"Um, no."

"Come on! Hurry!"

"I'm not going to pinch you!"


Caspian and Elincia were left alone with Headmaster Strattelo.

Christo had complained, stating that, as Caspian's best male friend, he had every right to be present for this meeting. Caspian had then proceeded to knock the other boy unconscious, and the headmaster had ordered Soren to take Christo to the hospital. The last they'd seen of the annoying boy was of Soren dragging him across the floor by the legs. After that, Headmaster Strattelo had locked the door behind them, and thus began their meeting.

While his friend sat in a chair in front of the headmaster's large desk, squirming and clenching the fabric of her dress, Caspian stood directly behind Elincia, a supportive hand on her shoulder. On the other side of the desk, standing by the window, Headmaster Strattelo gazed upon the pair with hawkish eyes.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress' Knights TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now